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Suggestion to fix the land problem that drives away so many new players

But again no land so you can't buy land from the shop which is EXACTLY what I said. So you can't P2W and you can't just buy everything from the shop. Again EXACTLY what I said.
So this all proves what I stated in the first place. No revenue no server - No older players with land supporting revenue so need new players - No new players no revenue - no land no new players. Simple and yet the truth.
Thanks for agreeing with my point finally.
You can work like i did, i played the game 1 month without land just mining ores.
You are a litlle confuse m8, i said that have land dont ruined the game in the official servers, i said what ruined the game it was the P2W from the cash shop and APEX, i never said that u can buy land spots from cash shop, but u can buy designs that dont need mats for build u just need the spot and place it, and have a fixed taxe of 10 that dont stack with other land u have. But why for you just the players that have land can make gold and have good gear?? Like i said the best players here in the official server dont have any land for make gold.

Actually thats not what you said and I will quote you as you clearly stated "they dont stack so yes cash shop have p2w land" and thats a lie. There is no LAND in the cash shop.

And the best players here all have land thats the point. Stating they don't is also not true.
You can work like i did, i played the game 1 month without land just mining ores.

You bought land from players which ruins the game economy so this is not valid IMO. Also new players will not mine for a month to buy a farm plot so again no new players which results in no server. Just trying to help the server community here which you should as well or you wont have a server to play on.
You bought land from players which ruins the game economy

I mean....I don't.....huh?

Addressing you at this point is pretty much pointless but how does one player selling a property to another player ruin the economy. Even if you would argue that the money for the land just goes to the player and it doesn't benefit the overall game, the means to which the player used to earn the gold to purchase the property did help with the economy. Be it through mining, purse farming or any other means.

Honestly at this point I want to say Crowen is trolling because these posts make no sense.
First off, I see land for sale all the time in Arcum iris and in mahadevi. There are people in trade chat always looking to sell land. also I don't see anyone using the temporary land where you can place a farm for 7 days. That is always empty. I own a couple of farms myself but I started off small. I found a few open spots to place a 8 x 8 and when people moved out I planted a 16 x 16. Some land I paid for and some I got for free. If you raise the taxes that hurts current players like myself who bought land from other players. Another thing is that there spots to plant 8 x 8's but people want the bigger land and they want it now!!!!

Maybe one solution is if people already have a certain amount of land then they are not able to get anymore in the future when more opens up. So either they stay where they are, sell or demo. This gives people a chance to get land who don't have any but that will not stop land grabbers who get land just to turn around and sell. Unless you put some kind of limit on them to where they can't sell more than one piece of land a month.

Another solution could be what Trion did. There was certain land that was once reserved for bigger houses only but they opened it up to all sizes. If you already had a 16 x 16 you could not get land there. Maybe you can do this with the temporary farms no one uses. There is one in arcum and one in falcorth. I don't know about the west side. This way it does not hurt people who already have land by raising taxes but the account should be flagged where they cannot get anymore land in these areas.
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You bought land from players which ruins the game economy so this is not valid IMO. Also new players will not mine for a month to buy a farm plot so again no new players which results in no server. Just trying to help the server community here which you should as well or you wont have a server to play on.

There plenty of spots to fit a 8 x8 farm. There are the temporary land where you can place a 8x8 for 7 days. There are the public farms that no one uses. There is 16 x 16's for sale. There is plenty of space for aqua farms. There is plenty of space for the breezy bungalows on the ocean. There might be a shortage of 24 x 24 plots or 28 x 28 plots. The problem with land is usually one of two things the land is not located in places that the person wants or the spot is not big enough for them.
of course you don't know why. You're not a new player in this current moment of the game. I am also not a new player, trust me is not hard to see the difficulties. Please do not say things you have no clue about, specially when its to disencourage an improvement.

maybe as a solution the devs can put in a menu listing the houses for sale in an area. Then again there is only so much hand holding someone can do too. If someone is going to play the game for 10 minutes and say "well I can't find a tree house for free, then I quit" they weren't going to stay long anyway because something else would come up to quit over.
LOL your right the game does allow it and thats why the game FAILS.... I want to see it change so it succeeds and if you don't thats fine but the devs want it to succeed. You like to post with nothing to back it other than please don't make the game fair. ROFL I am pretty sure the Devs don't feel this way and want to make the game work and this server continue. Choice is theirs not yours and not mine.
Im pretty sure the devs dont need to waste their time catering to crying fools like yourself, you quote everything but the video showing land my enemy property is simply because I was questing there if new player quits before he gets that far he doesnt belong here. All i seen from you is tears of entitilment but do go on it's amusing
If you kit it and replace it down you can cert sell CS treehouses
Treehouses have 100k hps. Housing province on growlgate is safezone for pirates. Chances of safely demoing a Treehouse in safezone Growlgate without getting ganked is pretty low.
Treehouses have 100k hps. Housing province on growlgate is safezone for pirates. Chances of safely demoing a Treehouse in safezone Growlgate without getting ganked is pretty low.

Well, if you didn't know that before you placed it there, you'll have to find friends or hire people to protect you. Maybe you can pay them a 16x16 each.
You cannot be protected. Its SAFE zone for pirates. Your friends can just sit there and look pretty while they all either attack the same person , or just all try and out place you in safety
You have tons of land being hogged up by people not using it just logging in once a month to pay taxes, that's just loads of dead land that is never going to open if nothing changes.
You have tons of land being hogged up by people not using it just logging in once a month to pay taxes, that's just loads of dead land that is never going to open if nothing changes.

This is a problem that can't be solved in any way whatsoever unless you just want to make people log in once a week (if you remove the ability to prepay for more than a week in advance) which would solve the case of people prepaying and then leaving the game, quitting or getting banned. I would like to see that too.

However, in case of people who still do log in, unless you want GMs to evaluate each and every single case of "land not being used as you would personally like to see it used", or make a long list of things land is actually allowed to be used for with every specific rules so that there's no interpretation needed, there's nothing you can do that wouldn't inconvenience legitimate players even more.
7 pages of people arguing about whether its easy to get land or not, when the bottom line is that a large portion of land is unused and paid off by inactive accounts because of the labor boost. Meaning the land that by nature is supposed to go away when players stop playing doesn't for a LOT of players. I have a plot next to me that has had the same three things on it for 2months. THIS IS WRONG. It should not be. Discard all your petty arguements about whether or not its hard to get land. The bottom line is it is undebatably wrong for people who have stopped playing to be able to retain all their land just in case someday they get bored and want to come back . That is unhealthy for the server. Period. There is absolutely not logical arguement you can make otherwise. You can only deflect to other topics. There needs to be something done to stop this from being possible, which is why I suggested materials going into tax certs. Inactive players will eventually go broke and be unable to do it and then have to make a decision whether they want to log in and make some money or just say fuck it.
Land availability is a lesser issue, compared to the real reasons people dont play. Just like the original game, the gear gap is now showing and its a huge put off for a lot of players. After that, the second cause is the lack of easy donation methods. In the grand scheme of things, land availability is pretty low on list of what makes people quit Archeage in general.
The bottom line is it is undebatably wrong for people who have stopped playing to be able to retain all their land just in case someday they get bored and want to come back .

If they stopped playing, I absolutely agree, this is one of the concrete problems that removing the ability to prepay taxes for a ludicrous length of time would solve. Removing land with prepaid taxes that's owned by banned accounts, accounts that have "cashed out" by selling gold, and similar would also help, wouldn't it?

But if they're logging in to pay taxes, then they haven't really stopped playing, have they. If you're interested in working on their land, you can always mail them and ask them to put it on public or family or guild setting.

You have to realize that trying to solve this with game mechanics won't do anything, since it's a problem with the actual players who are doing this, all game mechanics that you can think of will hurt legitimate players much more than the hypothetical RMT P2W 10 accounts land baron who just does it because he can. Unless you do what I said in my previous post and actively police people for generally being terrible human beings, there is no fair solution to it.
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Land availability is a lesser issue, compared to the real reasons people dont play. Just like the original game, the gear gap is now showing and its a huge put off for a lot of players. After that, the second cause is the lack of easy donation methods. In the grand scheme of things, land availability is pretty low on list of what makes people quit Archeage in general.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with this. Smaller guilds with lower GS players have a hard time even doing daily events at this point, even if they all band together, since bored P2Wers are purpling on them every day. It's not looking good as far as new player influx goes.
If they stopped playing, I absolutely agree, this is one of the concrete problems that removing the ability to prepay taxes for a ludicrous length of time would solve. Removing land with prepaid taxes that's owned by banned accounts, accounts that have "cashed out" by selling gold, and similar would also help, wouldn't it?

But if they're logging in to pay taxes, then they haven't really stopped playing, have they. If you're interested in working on their land, you can always mail them and ask them to put it on public or family or guild setting.

You have to realize that trying to solve this with game mechanics won't do anything, since it's a problem with the actual players who are doing this, all game mechanics that you can think of will hurt legitimate players much more than the hypothetical RMT P2W 10 accounts land baron who just does it because he can. Unless you do what I said in my previous post and actively police people for generally being terrible human beings, there is no fair solution to it.

Logging in for two months only to burn labor in 2 minutes on tax certas and pay taxes is not playing though