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Wait, so private server is p2w also?!


Just came across ArcheRage, downloading now. Upon reading the fourms is sounds like this private server is also pay 2 win.

Is this correct? If so, why should I play this server over offical?
I was looking for a private server for Archeage in hopes the community made a non pay 2 win server as p2w is the major issue with this game.

Don't get me wrong I have no issue dropping money into a good private server, but p2w is a no go.

Heh that is the weirdest thing I have ever posted, usually private servers are known for p2w aspects due to the original not being p2w. Guess I thought this would be opposite.
its not AS p2w ... theres no op shit on the rng boxes, so not nearly as p2w i would say, the only p2w things are the farms that u can buy in cash shop and the tree house, but gl finding a place to put them on, but yes you can sell credits for gold, but you can easily buy them from the marketplace at a real cheap price! ( not rn...sicne donations broke and prices of credits are skyrocketing ...) but yeah it isnt that bad...is it p2w? yeah....as p2w as trions? ...not really, plus u get free patreon...i put 100$ in the server cuz i wanted costumes xD then bought the farms ( i have yet to find a place to put down my tree house and 1 farm :( ) so yeh ._. gl!

ps: p2w is also really cheap if u feel like doing it yourself...just dont mortgage your house in the process like some people did... *cough* feb--rrrary *cough*
The answer depends on your point of view honestly, Archerage does not require you to buy patron as it comes free with the game. With that being said the game does have APEX equivalent called Credit boxes 100,1000,2000. As time goes on people will be able to buy and sell the credit boxes for gear like Apex for gear on retail, however as credits are only used for the cash shop and it does not contain any strongly recurring items credit purchases will go down/ not be needed as much.
Been in game for a bit now, looked at market place. It doesn't seem all that bad to me, but then I'm not really sure how important the items are as I gave up retail at level 53, real life mates that spent a lot of money on the game told me its not worth continuing.

Unrelated, I was hoping to make some illegal farms and get a start on mats for a clipper. Guy in game told me no gathering till 52, this correct?
It's not very p2w for me. You have free patron and 40 labor per 5 minutes. Lots of exp boosts so it's super easy to level up your classes. Honor gain and voc is amazing. And yeah you can't till 52, as they are trying to make it harder for bots to level up, just follow green quests and do some quests on the side in your level area and it won't be very hard at all. Hope you stick around and see it's truly not that bad compared to retail. Always gotta be a cash shop as they need an income to survive, but it's not a bad cash shop, it's much cheaper and credits are more for ur money if u decide to donate in the future. Did I mention that things are half time? Like plants and trees and even buildings I noticed are not as many materials. :)
Oh btw u should get a free clipper at level 55 if I remember right. Wait till then to decide to invest in one.
well, right now it "feels" more p2w that it was in the beginning only because donations are down, once that is back up credits prices will go down and it'll be fine again

at least that's how i see the p2w matter, playing it since beginning, being at 3.3k gs now only because i decided to invest in some stuff besides gear (i feel like if i went straight for gear i'd be easily 4k by now)
The amount of money you would have to pay to be considered pay2win is crazy. Prior to donations being shut off, 50 dollars worth of gold was obtainable by a free player in less than a week's worth. Emphasizing on 50 dollars here, most people playing this game can't afford to dish out hundreds in a single week, so simply relying on cashing to do everything for them would make them fall behind fast.
well, right now it "feels" more p2w that it was in the beginning only because donations are down, once that is back up credits prices will go down and it'll be fine again

at least that's how i see the p2w matter, playing it since beginning, being at 3.3k gs now only because i decided to invest in some stuff besides gear (i feel like if i went straight for gear i'd be easily 4k by now)
maybe or maybe not, depending on the donators if they sustain the price atm or they lower the price.
A few pros:
-Better infrastructure (server almost never goes down, maintenances are quick);
-Faster response time from the administration;
-Administration listens to the playerbase (many, many changes have been made in three weeks at the request of players);
-Server with better variables (faster XP, more honour so gemming is less punishing, half crafting/growth timers, etc.);
-Less P2W, you get a lot more for every dollar spent.
Its not p2w unless your February buying all of his gear thru pay pal xD , but he wont be banned xD
Provide proof and he will be banned.

A handful of people keep saying he bought this and that, but they provide no proof whatsoever and then hint at possible collusion. We protect no one, we just need proof to ban. It's pretty simple, really.
Provide proof and he will be banned.

A handful of people keep saying he bought this and that, but they provide no proof whatsoever and then hint at possible collusion. We protect no one, we just need proof to ban. It's pretty simple, really.
The proof is in his logs, did he make any of those ayanads, nope, did he regrade half of the shit he has, nope, did i hear this from a friend of the guy that sold Feb his stuff, u bet, and then my man Scoot or whatever his in game name is has a regrade cheat, but him getting 6-8 divines in one day along with 2 epics in the same day wont be investigated, right???, weird, but im banned hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *thinking face* ????
Depends on your definition of p2w, for me, it's not, since you can easily get credits with gold (when donations are not closed lol) and vice versa.

For me, p2w would be something like "paying players to have perks that free players are restricted from having" situation.
The boxes will most likely contain Luckys and charms in the future. So yes the server will be "pay to win" however. The cost of credits is lower than official and the cost of items like the RNG boxes is lower than official. You get a hell of a lot more for your money here. Not to mention the staff actually care about their player base and give us choices with the server. Trion doesn't give two shits as long as people are donating.

I played the RU server and i'm guessing they will follow suit with boxes here