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why is the server so hostile to pvp players

This server is full of frail boy archeage live rejects that dodged live thinking they could free farm here, except the chad fresh start boys are also better than them and they're still not allowed to do content.
This server is full of frail boy archeage live rejects that dodged live thinking they could free farm here, except the chad fresh start boys are also better than them and they're still not allowed to do content.
i dont think google translate works for you
If I were calling the shots on this server I would
1. Boost the honor gain for ocean zone kills
2. Dramatically buff sport fishing to make it the default best way to turn lp into gold, driving most players out into the seas
3. Remove draughts of forgiveness from the game. If you want to rip and rob as your standard playstyle you should be forced to the pirate faction, and deal with the challenges it brings. Green piracy is a cancer on this game, and selling draughts in the credit shop was a short sighted cash grab by trion / xlgames.

1. Agreed.
2. Disagree. That's dumb. There are things way riskier than fishing. This would massively benefit people who play during off-hours.
3. LOL, no. This is a dumb idea and I'm impressed you were brave enough to share it. Green piracy is a major selling point of this game. Forcing people into playing pirate(which is largely an unsustainable play style) would drive away a good percent of players who make this game interesting. Quick lesson here: Carebears are boring. They don't add anything to this games enjoyment, aside from the resources that can be made off of them.
3. LOL, no. This is a dumb idea and I'm impressed you were brave enough to share it. Green piracy is a major selling point of this game.

yes, to toxic bullies who need the element of surprise/guaranteed first hit to win.
I get it, that's part of the appeal of this game - that you can p2w quickly and spend your time griefing those weaker than you for sport. It's good business to cater to this crowd. But imo ArcheAge would be a better, healther game if they'd left the system the way Jake Song designed it with real penalties for team killing. Either by being forced to do tedious quests, or to join the pirates and lose the privileges of society.
Either by being forced to do tedious quests, or to join the pirates and lose the privileges of society.
Yes, let us make this game even more of a grind fest job for people wanting to play the game the way they want to because I personally don't like it!
Game was designed to be a pvp game, not a faction game tho.

So why the game have a law system, crime points, be kicked to pirate faction, get to trail because pking and steal players from the same faction if it was not a faction game? Why this system to punish the players? That draught of forgiveness potion is only a cash grab item, that is not suposed to be like Jake Song wanted when he designed the game in first place without P2W cash shop.
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Honor vendor, bud.

In Trion it was not, it was with loyalty they changed that later. Only people with patron can bought the potions and put in ah for P2W players bought the potions with gold from the apex selling. And i think they dropped from Archeum Supply Crates from the cash shop.
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Draught of Forgiveness
As many of you may know, there is a certain method in which pirates can own castles on servers (Via a puppet guild, mainland guild, or the such). But, in order to do that, every time there is an actual siege, pirates need to de-pirate, that is, have their Infamy reach 0, and doing that requires every pirate in the siege to drink at least 30 Draughts of Forgiveness (Generally).

XLGames seems to think that this is a problem, and as a result, they have added a cooldown to the use of a Draught of Forgiveness. From now on, players must wait a 3 hour cooldown to use another Draught of Forgiveness after they use one.

Draughts of Forgiveness now also cost 5,000 Honor each. They still reduce your Infamy by -100 Infamy per Draught.

Do bear in mind that Trion has stated that the change to the cooldown of Draughts will very likely not be implemented with 4.0 in our version.
Maybe YOU are the problem here....? Yelling carebear when you have nothing else to say..
Honor gain increases on the ocean...
I agree with this somewhat but the problem isn't so much bringing people out to the ocean to pvp, as bringing out people who want gold.
Honor gain increases in the ocean will only benefit luscas, abyssal, kraken fights, ect. What brings people out on the ocean is the profit of a successful merchant, not to get honor. Possibly increasing some of those profit margins would bring more people to steal from which brings out more people who will steal.
So why the game have a law system, crime points, be kicked to pirate faction, get to trail because pking and steal players from the same faction if it was not a faction game? Why this system to punish the players? That draught of forgiveness potion is only a cash grab item, that is not suposed to be like Jake Song wanted when he designed the game in first place without P2W cash shop.
Not a faction game? Might you take a look at higher end content? Would you like to take a full out pug raid to anthalon and leave the armor on free roll?
Archeage might seem like an faction game because of MM, Halcyona, Abyssal etc etc but its far from being an faction game. When it comes to end game content (the whole point of the game) it becomes a guild based game.
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Not a faction game? Might you take a look at higher end content? Would you like to take a full out pug raid to anthalon and leave the armor on free roll?

I said it is a faction game, whales say that is not, because they want to kill anything that moves in the game, mob mentality.
yes, to toxic bullies who need the element of surprise/guaranteed first hit to win.
I get it, that's part of the appeal of this game - that you can p2w quickly and spend your time griefing those weaker than you for sport. It's good business to cater to this crowd. But imo ArcheAge would be a better, healther game if they'd left the system the way Jake Song designed it with real penalties for team killing. Either by being forced to do tedious quests, or to join the pirates and lose the privileges of society.
