New profile posts

New player, first post, and joining a forum event right freakin now ? ... and holy- i did not know it would show the age... don't mind that, its totally not my real age~ ...or is it
I'm sad now. You know sorry can't ArcheRage X2 Client and Multiple Account to not accept. I never new not yet.... :(? I miss too. If without 1 ArcheRage and not 2 ArcheRage games x2 client almost sad it. ??
You used two accounts because you didn't read the server rules? That's sad. You could always write a ticket in your account panel on the main website to get one of them unbanned, explaining you forgot to read the rules carefully.
Searching for the East player to be Mirage Races assistant for this Sunday’s Races. Contact me if you are interested.
We are lacking the assistants for the next Mirage Isle Races that we'll have on October, 13th. If you want to participate as races assistant, please contact me until the end of Friday.
I came late.. no more Support Pack for Old Players. Decided to come back after more than a year of layoff
Database has crashed. Due to it maintenance starts 20 minutes earlier than announced. Will inform you as soon as server is online.