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ArcheRage 3.0 Discussion

I don't want to make a new thread cause it has been discussed a few times already, so I will suggest it here as it can be treated like something to put on 3.0, and it's about the credits problem.

What if you put a Credit Buyer/Vendor NPC? It could work like this:

1.- Players can still buy credits through donation system and sell those credits to the vendor for 1:1 ratio
2.- Players can also buy credits from that vendor using gold with 1:1 ratio too.

This won't stop people from donating, cause they want fast credits without spending gold and will also stop the prices from rising up without control, allowing new players to get those cash shop items NEEDED to have a good experience (Farm cart tickets, expansion scrolls, Solar/Lunar farms. skillsaver pendant, etc...)

If you think this could generate too much fast gold and affect server gold influx, maybe put a limit on vendor to buy/sell x ammount of gold/credits each day and account limited (not character)

Donating player will not benefit exchanging credits to credit NPC at 1:1 ratio, so don't think that player will be interested in and do such exchange.
is there anyway u can leave ship regrade scroll how they are when 3.0 hit
so dont make it a craft item adn leave it as a drop not just the compent as a drop
dont do the Soulforged set it makes gs to eazyer to get every will get free 5k gs and most ppl that got it but farm hard will leave
I'm looking forward to it being craftable and allow more people access to better ship parts at a better price.
That's not how it works....

You still have to farm the seabugs for a material then go and combine with a blank scroll. Its crap, another 3.0 letdown - not to mention the increase in regrade cost from 10g to 15g each attempt.

I agree with bravefairy - sure would be nice to keep it as is, I mean hell, the supply cant even keep up with demand as is
A big thing that can be fixed that Trion never bothered with on live (atleast I think so) is Pet Gear does not receive the Physical and Magical Defense formula recalculation. They drop from 56% in both resists to 3x% in both and just become absolutely unusable. Their base defense and the bonus from gear just needs to be multiplied by 1.8 like the players armor was and they are fine. Stupidly simple change.
Cloak Rerolls
Currently, the only way to reroll your cloak stats is to have an Ayanad cloak, and even then, the process to do so is incredibly tedious. The stat pools are made up of minor/major/useless stats.

I feel like changing the stat pool for these cloaks to have other variety of stats would introduce different style of cloaks based on what the player feels like they should have. A good example are costumes which have a variety of stats but they're not post-cast health/mana regen or reduce range attack 10.

It's really frusterating having to grind for materials and lord coins just to have the same useless stat over and over. In addition, if a player wishes to play multiple classes they can do so by rerolling into more useful stats instead of creating a brand new Ayanad cloak that is pricey to make the first one.

For delphinad cloaks, I feel like there should be a reroll available for it. Having perfect stats on a delphinad cloak wouldn't matter since the progression of a player will make them create an ayanad cloak, and then they'll try to have perfect stats anyways.

Lucky Points
Add an event to help the economy with the lucky point starvation. An event like the Thiorium event that legacy servers had would help with the supply instead of it only being on the loyalty store or through the Hasla event that was introduced.

Serendipity Stones
Increase the number of ways that a player can obtain a serendipity stone. Players are only able to reroll their costume once a month through login badges and that is not enough for players to work on their costume consistently without breaking the no alt rule or trading their costume and have a risk to be scammed.

Library Materials
Combine all the library materials of one grade into one material of the same grade.

Brine flakes / Mercury / Dense = Mercury.
Blue Materials = 1 Blue Material.

Change the recipes to reflect it. This will simplify library farming in a positive way that doesn't rely on RNG when you just want to upgrade your items.

Royal Seeds
Keep royal seeds in 3.0 and adjust them so they're not as terrible as they were on legacy 3.0 launch. The main issue that Trion faced with royal seeds is their rarity and that they were only obtainable through single planting.

Royal seeds must be kept in place in 3.0 because of the amount of land introduced in the patch. This makes larders a lot more common since players are able to obtain large amounts of land and create a lot more larders than version 2.9.

With the introduction of Karkasse land, larders become more valuable and having the same influx of larders as 2.9 will cause the charcoal economy to fall out of balance.

Adjust royal seeds to be obtainable through other means or increase the drop rate.

Inactive Lands
Introduce an item into the login tracker that is given every 14 or 21 days that allows the player to regain Patron status.

Having free patron time-gated would promote less land hoarding and give newer players a chance to own land without having players hold land indefinitely if they choose to stop playing.

Keep larceny the way it is in 3.0. It becomes a time based profession compared to the current larceny which is silver-per-labor. There is no profession that is based on time instead of labor, so having 3.0's larceny would make the profession fun and gives players more options if they want to play for longer periods of time.

Players can farm as many crates/purses as they want and not have to wait for labor to open them or need labor to keep farming.

Skill Queue
Adjust skill queue to prevent players from being able to macro to make their abilities function more quickly.

Using whirlwind with your keyboard is a lot slower in animation versus using a macro with the same key.

Castle Packs Pre-Launch
Delete pre-crafted castle packs on 3.0 launch to promote PVP and not allow early castle claims. Players will log out their characters at the Sungold or Exeloch castles and attempt to capture them without player interference as the server comes up.

Race Passives
Keep race passives the way they are. Making them into an active adds more skills into our already endless amount of skills that we have on limited skill bars. It ruins the purpose of them if you make them have to click just to use every time.

Vocation Quest Gain

Increase vocation quest gain for 3.0.

With the move of seeds to vocation and the lack of alts on the server, vocation will gate a lot of players since that is the only way to buy plants which slows down the process of anything related to plants which is most professions.

Increasing it would help since the population of one server isn't going to be enough to supply at the same rate that the server uses resources in 2.9.
Lucky Points

Serendipity Stones

Library Materials

Royal Seeds

Inactive Lands


Skill Queue

Castle Packs Pre-Launch

Race Passives

Vocation Quest Gain

1.) I don't think this is good, if you allow too many lucky's then every whale will go running in mythic full sets. If they introduced an event like this the lucky must be bound otherwise like it happened at Trino, all you will get is even more powerful whales.

2.) Neutral here, I don't care that much either way.

3.) Good idea and this come with 4.5 update but I'm not sure if the actual codebase of the server will allow it before 4.5 clients hit BUT this single item should have lower drop rates than the current parts otherwise the next 2 weeks they will be inventory trash.

4.) Several good solutions already but another good idea, so all good.

5.) I think this is way too complicated and seems the kind if thing that can open a myriad of exploits, I see is a lot easier to simply boost to hell the taxes after 4 properties(instead of 3 in official), another solution could be bound taxes only work up to 4 properties and from there you need credit unbound ones(again, this probably will require code and may compromise security) which should at least heavily control land barons.

6.) Hell to the NO, this was one of the things in Trino did that really made craft unbearable and skyrocketed the prices of gear so high that only the top 1% of the WHALES(taken into account other whales were already 1% lol) could get. Mysterious Powder, regular points, etc. pretty much disappeared until very late 3.7 where they ninja patched the damn crates drop tables. NO NO NO NO.

Is up to the devs of course, but any change here need to be very surgically carefully monitored or a week later the server are offline.

I dare to set this particular change triggered the merges fest later on alone with the husbandry tree, yes this system alone

7.) Agreed

8.) Good Catch, Dev team please pay attention to this one(even I forgot about this but happened in a lot of servers).

9.) Agreed

10.) Agreed, another possible solution to pick from
Just to throw out my two cents regarding the taxes thing that people keep mentioning, I really don't like the idea of taxes skyrocketing after owning more than 4 plots - not only do people who are still playing suffer from this, (I mean, I have a 28x28 and 5 adjoining 16x16s, I started with nothing and have worked towards this for months, I've literally done nothing but improve my house and attached garden. Should I really not be entitled to them now?) but also people who don't play will still be holding onto land, 4 plots for inactive accounts will still result in a lot of unused land, I don't think it'd quite solve the problem and I just don't see how it'd be worth it

Personally I think that either having taxes require random mats (plus labor) to make, or having patron renew after a while by logging in daily both seem like decent solutions, not perfect but I'm not sure what exactly else could be done
People who complain about the taxes. Realise you get 4x the labor here... You don't have a need to cry about features that are designed to help new players get chances at free land.

Best solution is yes, remove the free patron and award, say, 31 days of patron for the 14 login bonus.
On official server's Rokhala and it's respected zone on the West were the most saught after peices of land. West would go Rokhala for trade runs because they wouldn't be penalized via the tax system if they placed in Eastern Rokhala.

Can we change this and make West pay more for placing on East (as it should be in every zone) and East pay more for placing on West regardless of the affiliation the zone is in. West should be penalized by paying more taxes for placing on the East and visa versa but for what ever reason on Official release this was not the case, Rokhala filled instantly by western player's leaving those of us having no land trying to buy off of them which defeats the purpose of the land if i'm not mistaken.

Thanks for the consideration, i only want to see reds in Eastern lands if there's pvp or they're actually paying stoopid prices to live there (as it should be) and visa versa.
Best solution is yes, remove the free patron and award, say, 31 days of patron for the 14 login bonus.

That's a horrible idea, so if real life comes in and fk's my month up i am screwed on patron for 45 days?

RL happens ... i shouldn't be penalized because RL happens i worked for my land to, so because i wasn't able to log in enough to get the 14 day log in i'm not entitled to land. Kinda defeats the purpose of a private server and what the dev's are standing for imo
That's a horrible idea, so if real life comes in and fk's my month up i am screwed on patron for 45 days?

RL happens ... i shouldn't be penalized because RL happens i worked for my land to, so because i wasn't able to log in enough to get the 14 day log in i'm not entitled to land. Kinda defeats the purpose of a private server and what the dev's are standing for imo
If real life happens, YES you should be penalized and NOT be allowed to hold onto your land if you can not even play for 14 days.. HALF A MONTH of logging in for 1 minute
If you can not log in for 1 minute a day for half a month, you should not be allowed to hold onto your land. Grow a fucking brain.
If real life happens, YES you should be penalized and NOT be allowed to hold onto your land if you can not even play for 14 days.. HALF A MONTH of logging in for 1 minute
If you can not log in for 1 minute a day for half a month, you should not be allowed to hold onto your land. Grow a fucking brain.

One of the easiest solutions I can think of is add some sort of monetary cost to crafting taxes. Either it be flat gold or through items. If land barons are going to hold on to land just so others can't have it then it should cost them money. If people own a lot of land but are using it, the monetary cost should not be that big of a deal.
One of the easiest solutions I can think of is add some sort of monetary cost to crafting taxes. Either it be flat gold or through items. If land barons are going to hold on to land just so others can't have it then it should cost them money. If people own a lot of land but are using it, the monetary cost should not be that big of a deal.
That can be a possible fix, but if you put it too high it will be a drain on new players trying to start out carebearing, while too low would be underwhelming for wealthy people. Like say it's 10g a week per piece of land, that's 100 plots a week if you have even 1k gold saved up. I think the proper fix is something that disables patron if people are too inactive.
That can be a possible fix, but if you put it too high it will be a drain on new players trying to start out carebearing, while too low would be underwhelming for wealthy people. Like say it's 10g a week per piece of land, that's 100 plots a week if you have even 1k gold saved up. I think the proper fix is something that disables patron if people are too inactive.

But that is a lot of packs one has to make in order to get 1k gold saved up. Coupled with the RNG of item leveling and the gold cost to fail constantly, all of that is going to make it hard to compete. Where as someone with a lot of money can just buy the gold and think nothing of it but everyone else who does not have money to throw into a game it is going to hurt by this. Here is another scenario, botting is going to increase if more gold is going to be demanded out of players to do just basic things like hold property. The only thing this will accomplish is to make gold selling and botting more profitable.
1.) I don't think this is good, if you allow too many lucky's then every whale will go running in mythic full sets. If they introduced an event like this the lucky must be bound otherwise like it happened at Trino, all you will get is even more powerful whales.

6.) Hell to the NO, this was one of the things in Trino did that really made craft unbearable and skyrocketed the prices of gear so high that only the top 1% of the WHALES(taken into account other whales were already 1% lol) could get. Mysterious Powder, regular points, etc. pretty much disappeared until very late 3.7 where they ninja patched the damn crates drop tables. NO NO NO NO.

I just hated that ninja nerf garbage. Especially Celestrata and muzzy with their horrible lying. They would not answer any basic questions that they should be able to answer. Someone asked in faction chat what happened to the lib drops, which I was curious about too and muzzy's response was "I hear you" what kind of answer is that?! There was no rhyme or reason to as to why. No explanation of any kind. I hope that does not happen here.