Search results

  1. Lillliana

    [Forum Event] Cozy farm

    My farm 'Lilligarden' I love the flowerbeds especially when they have butterflies on them, so i wanted a little space for them:)
  2. Lillliana

    Image Hellkissed Items

    Agreed that would be awesome :)
  3. Lillliana

    Royal Seeds?

    I planted corn bundles on a 24x24 and got 5 seeds in total. There is some for sale on AH for 10g per seed, maybe just recently put up :) but yes seem abit few and far between as far as bundle harvesting.
  4. Lillliana

    Veteren boxes?

    will the mounts be permanent or 30 day ones?
  5. Lillliana

    Can you regrade Charming Musician Costume?

    okay no worries wanted to check forums before doing the fusion thankyou:)
  6. Lillliana

    Can you regrade Charming Musician Costume?

    i had the same question as this. was hoping someone knew:/ damn.