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  1. N

    End of Auroria Launch

    Auroria lands only generate good income IF people are using up archeums and regrade points faster than Auroria land can supply. Let's take metal as an example. Everyone thinks Auroria land will give good income so everyone went to plant archeums trees, which left no one to mine iron ores. I...
  2. N

    End of Auroria Launch

    A certain thing is only valuable when people wants it. If no one wants to buy Auroria land, no one will be able to sell any land even for 1 gold. Good luck to those with mentality of 'I have to get myself a piece of Auroria land even if it means I have to go through hell with it'. :rolleyes:
  3. N

    End of Auroria Launch

    Don't buy any land. Let them keep the lands and continue paying taxes. You aren't losing anything if you don't buy any Auroria land. Go get a land on your own continent and make good use of it. If the landhackers are happy to pay Auroria taxes, let them pay it. Let them do the hard job of...
  4. N

    End of Auroria Launch

    Landhackers are fine. Hope they work hard into planting those archeums and braziers on all those lands they got. A landhacker got 10 plots of land? Not an issue. Please plant 24/7 and produce lots of archeums and regrade points.
  5. N

    Current Auroria Castle Status

    Best post on this thread.
  6. N

    Laying down the law

    Play the game without mod like a true man with true skills. :p
  7. N

    Anyone here use battleping or similar?

    I play on minimum 300ms ping and fluctuate between 500 and 2500 when I'm lagging, still pvping fine.
  8. N

    Torrent it

    Torrent it