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  1. F

    Server restart 7am 12/07

    Wow thats great, ty server gods. But ETA on the hello kitty cars?
  2. F

    Who is Who?!

    He needs this guys, his music career isn't doing too well, and his modelling career was over before it began. (SpokyBless)
  3. F

    Thanksgiving time on ArcheRage!

    Thanks for the joyous news that was the inclusion of Hello Kitty Cars at some point in the future.
  4. F

    So uh... exactly what people said was gonna happen with mods playing in game just happened

    I think we are missing the point. Hello Kitty Cars.
  5. F

    People under ground grabbing land

    If land is being claimed underground record them? then screenshot the farm name as proof? Report them and profit.
  6. F

    When are we getting these kitties? @Sparkle @IronLady

    upvote the kitty cars. NEED
  7. F

    Buildings and Land Questions

    Do Credits = Gems?
  8. F

    Plans for cease and desist?

    Host it in AU :)