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ArcheRage 3.0 Discussion

And staff members should be careful about giving false hope for something that is never going to happen.

True. And people shouldn't make too many minor or irrelevant suggestions, because they can then just implement those, and leave all the bad things in, while saying "we implemented 90% of your suggestions, what are you complaining about" to spin it.
My 2 cents on the topic:
First gilda packs seems nice, not everyone collects 400 gilda to sell, so making better packs with those useless gildas (for some people they are useless) is nice (it gives some more interest in gilda farming daily, just another thing to do in AA). Not like nerfing existing packs, but making gilda packs on par with fertilizer packs and normal packs leaving as they are. I knew a lot of people who actually mixed gilda packs with fertilizers to get better % and did that daily.
As for transformations that's most retarded thing. I remember 3.0 live fresh start. All 4k+ could without any problems destroy those transformations, and all under 4k suffered from them. Basically if your transformation is on cd you die against another with transformation, and most important part that all people who choose race without transformation were in really shitty spot. Make the same transformation for all races(like all east gets warborn transformation and all west dwarves transformation), or just drop it altogether. Otherwise people will be forced to play loli. Bad enough when you ganked by higher geared people, but now 100 gs person with transformation can kill you even if you 3.5k gs, that's retarded. It's not for new people to catching up ( you die against 5k with transformation or without ), but it's just forcing new players to play dwarves and warborns.
And I played fisher on 5 live servers, in this server this is worst fishing, in live 3.0 puffer were above 7g, here you get 6g. Pufferfish itself is way to big nerf, since you cannot multibox family fishing on this server. I think you should buff fishing otherwise people just won't do it.
Sea is way more dangerous than just land runs so buffing it would make those fishing communities alive again (in live we always had fishing communities, like discord groups just for fishers from all guilds) and get rid of pufferfish, it's just annoying. Pretty much without labor daily limit just killing mobs is way more profitable than fishing, even if you get high cost ship, increase fishing prof, and risk real profit - it's really doesn't worth!! In this server it's not labor/silver, but time/silver and fishing is probably worst way to earn gold... And if you buff fishing there will be another option for earning gold and having fun - pirating! not becoming pirate but going to steal some fish from other faction is actually really fun thing to do with friends.
hello friends I am of little participation in the forum but if I read today I just want to ask for when this update will be so I hope that I have not raised my arms waiting for this to raise the tier and pass everything to the new race that comes there. .

postscript if I use google translator :( greetings
It is coming in the month of March 2018 :)
Is there faction block in this server? If not then we could use one, there are craptons of Haranyans almost every hour at main trading hubs to the point I get gank fested to pieces before I can unload my pack. I won't get a better gear if I can't make a profit.
Is there faction block in this server? If not then we could use one, there are craptons of Haranyans almost every hour at main trading hubs to the point I get gank fested to pieces before I can unload my pack. I won't get a better gear if I can't make a profit.

That sounds like you are trading in PVP zones and expecting no PVP.
So far best suggestion was races, class balances and new lands, that pretty much sums it all what i want from 3.0 xD
everything else can be 2.9 :D
if u want to kill the server then go straight 3.5 :D
That sounds like you are trading in PVP zones and expecting no PVP.

I didn't make myself clear, I see it now. I agreed to the terms of being slaughtered the moment I entered this game, so that's rather chill. What I wanted to say is that there are more ganking Haranyans than there are Nuians. I expect it to happen yes, but the overwhelming numbers are on Haranyan side. I have yet to see at least one gank in Eznan harbour by Nuians. So far I've seen tons of high gear score Haranyans trading there as if they owned the place.

Can Devs change lots of stuff in class balance? Is Darkrunner still meta after 3.0 on global? I don't know that much about meta yet.
Almost all features in 3.0 can be subject to changes, BUT, the changes will be ranked by:
-those which can be implemented fastest and
-those which are the most important - and these are pointed out by players in this very thread.

There is a possibility of some changes being made even after 3.0 starts, since there is a lot of work to be done on development side.

Feel free to point out what you did not like at 3.0.

And for those who have not yet experienced this update but still want to make their input, i suggest checking out old patch notes posted on live in this link.
There is in-depth description of changes they made on live, some of which we will remove or adapt.
Could you please unnerf the Perdita Torso turn in reward? At the moment the torso turns in for 10g. On retail it turned in for several thousand. It is a rare drop, I think a max of 4 or 5 might be found a day. As it is, Delphinad Fine Pottery packs turn in for 100g each and are much more common then the torso. Also, with the sunken cargo ships being a static spawn, you can map and time the spawns and make a decent amount of gold pulling those from the ocean floor regularly especially if you have high exploration proficiency (shinies). For a rare drop, the torso has zero value atm, most ppl just abandon them when they find them because its not worth boating it back to turn in. Considering these points and that heros get 2k-10k gold each I don't think the argument of inflating the economy is valid. Please make the torsos worth more then 10g... even if its just 1k gold (think it was 2k on retail?).
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Almost all features in 3.0 can be subject to changes, BUT, the changes will be ranked by:
-those which can be implemented fastest and
-those which are the most important - and these are pointed out by players in this very thread.

There is a possibility of some changes being made even after 3.0 starts, since there is a lot of work to be done on development side.

Feel free to point out what you did not like at 3.0.

And for those who have not yet experienced this update but still want to make their input, i suggest checking out old patch notes posted on live in this link.
There is in-depth description of changes they made on live, some of which we will remove or adapt.
keep 2.9 , and just get new zones + races , class change from 3.0
There have been a lot of great callouts in this thread already. I am in agreement with the majority that the fewer crafting/vocation changes made, the better. Rolling out an update with 2.9 including the new races, areas, and skills would be the best of both worlds.

I wanted to second a suggestion made earlier to not convert all existing stabilizers into charcoal. This will kill certain trade routes to less efficient ports and remove much of the nuance of sea trade. Furthermore, we'll likely see many players running "safe charcoal" in large quantity to peace time cinder/yny. Maintaining the current level of risk/reward to sea trade is important for the economy, and there is no value in disrupting it by implementing the charcoal overhaul.