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ArcheRage 7.5 (development-release info + suggestions)

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An issue that occurred in AAU/AAL when this patch went live is something I will call "weekly reset exhaustion". This patch added two new weekly quests in Akasch, both of which involved killing large numbers of mobs in addition to the existing weekly quests. Kakao/XL eventually agreed this was as serious problem and the following changes were made which I'd suggest starting with:

1. Reduce weekly mob kills for EHM Meadows to 100
2. Reduce weekly mob kills for EHM Waterfall to 100
3. Reduce weekly mob kills for WHM to 100 for all 3 quests
4. They combined the 2 different Akasch weeklies into a single weekly that only required 100 mobs to be killed (instead of the ~350 when it initially rolled out between the two).

In addition, since this adds yet *another* blocker to gear progression, they also made these following changes:
1. Double the scrolls dropped for the dailies with mammoth and tree to 20
2. Make both of those quests auto turn-in
I agree with almost everything already said and here is what I think should be addressed with the custom changes:

  1. Greatly increase the rewards from the Akasch invasion quiests, at least by 4x. Make the winning condition a lot easier to achieve, as in past servers a faction would purposefully throw the event, hindering the progress of every player in the server. Also remove the purchase limit from the merchant, it locks progress too much. Reduce the cost of Demigod Essence.
  2. Add a 2nd Akasch Invasion time slot for the players from different regions.
  3. I'm not in favor of hero nuis, they should not be added to the game imo.
  4. Decrease the amount of mobs required to kill for all weekly quests, Akasch adding 2 more weeklies will make the weekly grind and burnout a lot worse.
Releasing Akasch invasion as is on live, will make it so it takes around or more than 2 years to finish the artifacts. It's a long, tedious and boring grind that will hurt new and returning players the most, please consider the feedback exposed by the people before as they add in more detail.

For the race change elixir: Please price it reasonably, don't try to milk players for it as Kakao did and priced it at $30 for one month in credits. I think 1k credits is a reasonable price, or add a permantent one for 10k 20k credits. I'm sure a lot of players won't mind paying that for a permanent one.
Please remove the akasch invasion cutscene or include a menu option to disable the cutscene. That specific cutscene would lock up the client for a while, worst case scenario it would cause the client to go unresponsive and crash. Best case scenario you are sitting there staring at a black screen for 15-30 seconds waiting to see if the cutscene starts. It was finally removed on live after a year of complaints.
Everyone has already shared their opinions on hero nuis and the invasion, Soni won't bother restating what everyone else has said.

Instead, I'd like to propose bringing the future update that reduces the time it takes for the insanely tedious quest step for the Hiram ring, the 500 soul jar, early.

The update removes the 1 second cast time on the jar, and reduces the channel time from 9 seconds, to 1. Effectively making it 10x faster. Nobody enjoys that step of the quest, and while people are going to argue "I had to do it, so do you" are valid, the huge wave of newer players we're seeing all need to do said quest still.

While there's still the need for ayanad animas, mining daily, and wizard tokens, this would heavily reduce the entry bar. It was on the most recent live fresh start I believe, and made the grind tolerable. It's still 500 souls, but not as mind numbing of a grind.
Some suggestions:
- For akasch couldn't you make it happen as often as halcy does but limit the rewards to 1 time per day to avoid people from full sweat going to all 3 daily?
- Akasch is going to take a LONG time but anyone that misses a day or 2 is instantly behind anyone else thats making sure to hit it each day, could you make it a weekly that you can get rewards at least 2x and buff the loot?
- If hero nuis are implemented keep the rebirth trauma otherwise the entire gameplay is going to be rush in and die; rinse repeat. Otherwise don't add to them in the game.
- Custom change to add Mistmerrow back (at least 1x a week) and/or remove hero wars from yny/cr - (lets be honest we all hate how big of a map it is to run around vs how simple Mistmerrow used to be)
Some suggestions:
- For akasch couldn't you make it happen as often as halcy does but limit the rewards to 1 time per day to avoid people from full sweat going to all 3 daily?
- Akasch is going to take a LONG time but anyone that misses a day or 2 is instantly behind anyone else thats making sure to hit it each day, could you make it a weekly that you can get rewards at least 2x and buff the loot?
- If hero nuis are implemented keep the rebirth trauma otherwise the entire gameplay is going to be rush in and die; rinse repeat. Otherwise don't add to them in the game.
- Custom change to add Mistmerrow back (at least 1x a week) and/or remove hero wars from yny/cr - (lets be honest we all hate how big of a map it is to run around vs how simple Mistmerrow used to be)
I agree with all you said about Akash, would be great to have multiple times on the days that It spawn, but the reward need to be daily, so the greedy ones dont rush.
Also mistmerrow would be really great, so many good memories about mistmerrow.
Hero Nui
  1. Yes but with Reduced Trauma Timer ( Like 1:30min instead of 3min) <-- not affected from Improved GuildBuff
Akasch Invasion
  1. Timer could be adjusted a bit earlier. Like Make it after the Midday Halcy ( but wouldnt fit for all Server Time Zones)
  2. Or Make a Second spawn , like we did it for Luscas/Abyssal Attack
Costume Achievements
  1. Should also work for Costumes that can only be Equiped again into the Image Slot, because there was never an Option before they Updated the Image Synth
Ipnysh Artifact
  1. Dont make it like on Retail a System i got no job thats why i can make it System. Give Alternative Ways to Obtain Items for Infusion.
    1. Daily Guild Quest
    2. Extra Rewards for CR/GR/Aegis/WH
    3. Weekly Quest like EHM Kill X Monster in Y
    4. Marketplace/MeritShop/Loyality Shop
  1. Give the Bean Stalk and the Mushroom Houses the option that Players can sell them.
    1. Upgrade Mushroom Houses alrdy got this option when you Demo it and sell it on the AH
    2. So i dont see the Problem in the direct Sell Option
Good idea!!:p

  1. Give the Bean Stalk and the Mushroom Houses the option that Players can sell them.
    1. Upgrade Mushroom Houses alrdy got this option when you Demo it and sell it on the AH
    2. So i dont see the Problem in the direct Sell Option
Please improve the reward for this set of costumes, because I bet most people are gonna get 20g for this.
Also, looking at the codex, does this also mean a few costumes are being added to the manastorm crystal fountain?


"As always, completion of all Achievements will grant its very own achievement with a very valuable reward."
Not very valuable at all :')

Yeah agree we should have 2 distinct time for akasch invasion. Or asia player will fuked really hard with this update.
Yeah i know "Na server so Na time", but we have like many players that play from asia
Akasch Invasion and artifact progression.

Player cap during Akasch Invasion should be increased, I don't quite remember the cap they had initially but the cap lead to issues on active servers and even XL realized this, as they increased the cap at a later date.
We already have it increased to 200 Nuia, 200 Haranya, and 100 Pirates. When Kr patches increased it only in the later game versions and currently have at 200/200/80.
Or do you mean increasing it even more? Then how much more?
If it's already at 200 Nuia, 200 Haranya that should be perfectly fine if there are plans to accommodate multiple time zones. A large contributor to the issues on live with the cap usually stemmed from the ability to grief the opposing factions slots with alts at a large scale, but with this servers stance on alt accounts that shouldn't be a problem.
I was simply unsure if initial iteration of Invasion was around the 100-150 range for Nuia/Haranya, because I vaguely remembered multiple complaints on release about the cap, but wasn't able to find the old patches going into detail.
Would it be possible to port some QoL changes such as :

  • GR pack respawn timer and pick-up cast
  • GR and CR wave 4 quest changed so you dont need to go into a portal to receive them
  • Whalesong and Aegis faster waves
  • Change all the quests that gives green infusion boxes to give blue boxes
  • infusion opening cast and cooldown
also consider reviewing the custom questline as some of the quests were made back in 2018 and were not updated to match the world changes, for example the golden ruins step that you need to drop 30 items from the turtles, they are not 100% and theres 3-4 turtles in the area.
some steps that require world events that are less desirable or are simply ignored are also a bottleneck, either the quest or the event needs to be adjusted examples are abyssal attack and Zombie invasion.

Hero Respawn point should not be possible to be used in Karkasse/exeloch/Sungold because those are used to make the bosses that spawn there a zombie rush which will only benefit the side that has more players and increase the snowball effect when a faction is overpowering the other.

Also add archepass system if possible to give players another path besides the boxes to obtain certain items needed for achievments

edit: also please increase the quest credit range and make it so multiple raids can get credit from the same mob/boss
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