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Archeum RNG Boxes should be removed immediately

What should be done with the crates?

  • Nothing, theyre fine as is

    Votes: 51 50.5%
  • Remove them

    Votes: 40 39.6%
  • Increase price

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Change rewards

    Votes: 9 8.9%

  • Total voters


After seeing the new update, it seems no one has commented on these boxes. All I gotta say is that these boxes are ridiculous and are gonna fuck up the economy.
It has archeum dust, shards, crystals, charms, you name it (and ofc a bear).
The whales are going to cause a collapse in the prices of all these items, and the only super sought after item will be red regrade charms that we didnt have before.
If these boxes are too be sold, make them 200 or 300 credits, 100 is just too easy of a way to cause spamming of these boxes and making the game more p2w features and in the end, people who are f2p or dont dump as much money will have an even harder time to make money because things they usually get from larceny and etc... will collapse, causing a bigger gap between p2w and f2p/occasional spender.
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this box should not exist on this server. I don't understand how they could even consider it ok to release. This needs to be removed or I and many people I know will be leaving. @IronLady We need a comment on this and some form of action.
the glory of this server is the availability of purchaseable credits using gold. Instead of having to buy the (HEAVILY) demanded APEX for 1200 credits, you can just buy a relatively cheap 100 credits box. Before when prices were 15~ gold this was AMAZING, but even now when they are at 30 gold, thats fucking nothing. you can make 30 gold in 10 minutes at golden ruins or library. 5 seconds if you get lucky
I'm super against P2W items, but I'm not really sure how this type of box is deemed to be P2W, the RNG of obtaining archeum & charms from them is similar to the RNG of obtaining dust out of purses. Besides if it drives the price of charms down more regrading for me as a normal F2P player.

if whales want to spend tons of money to crash the market let them, it just makes it easier for me to play on a server like this.

The REAL culprit of P2W in Archeage came when the devs started adding items with OP abilities that not everyone had access too. I want to see everything here stay on a balanced playing field, and hopefully they will avoid adding broken items.
@Bludstained it contains red charms via rng. They actively didn't add red regrade charms at launch because of how broken they were and now they are sneaking it back in. It's not going to make charms cheaper and its going to make the gear disparity between swiping players and standard players balloon out of control. It's a problem
People cry abut everything sometimes I feel bad about for the admins.

When donation is up, people complain about credit shop ruining economy. When donation down, people complain about the exact same thing. Same with lucky sunpoints...some how whatever decision the admins make the economy will always be ruined.

People need to appreciate what they have and stop making a new post on forum everytime they feel butthurt
@Bludstained it contains red charms via rng. They actively didn't add red regrade charms at launch because of how broken they were and now they are sneaking it back in. It's not going to make charms cheaper and its going to make the gear disparity between swiping players and standard players balloon out of control. It's a problem

But it's kind of late now? Like, if they remove the box all the people that stored up credits and bought tons of RNG boxes will have a plethora of red charms while everyone who didn't get a chance to buy them will be SOL.

I dunno, but I think the best solution here is to voice our opinion thoroughly before the updates are pushed. I'm not too keen on letting regrades be even easier on a server where they are already easier, but it's a little late to complain about the charms being added seeing as they've already been put into the game and I'm sure people who had hundreds of thousands of credits bought tons of them.
If they turned it off now the damage would be kept to a minimum, but that would require them caring about the situation. Again this should have never happened, if they were going to put reds in the game regardless they should have done so from the start so people like me could have just stayed away.
Buy credit vs in game money = work for Rm users = support p2w system: you help p2w users convert RM to in game currency.
dedgame. :)
If it's such a dead game then why are you still here? I'd assume you'd have better things to do than shit on the game 24/7.
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I opened 100. Got nothing special out of it. Why are you whining about it? I got 7 sunlight crystals, like 10 moonlight crystals and some insignificant dust. It wasn't worth the investment of credits.