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Can we PLEASE BAN arena AFKers from entering arenas at all


Active Member
I am so sick and tired of getting AFK teammates in arena. This shit is cancerous, and most of the time, they queue up with macros . This garbage needs to stop. Can devs please implement something to ban these assholes from the arenas? I can think of several smart ways to detect them that they won't be able to macro their way out of to get them banned.
I can think of several smart ways to detect them that they won't be able to macro their way out of to get them banned.

If so please message them Devs directly coz i also love to get rid of those AFKers although i don't do much Arena :):):)
If so please message them Devs directly coz i also love to get rid of those AFKers although i don't do much Arena :):):)
Well to start, something that detects -Away- and arena participation buff=temp ban of like 24h, store offence in some data, increase it by 24h every repeat, so the 2nd one would be 48h, 3rd 72h, capping at 72h I think.
I am so sick and tired of getting AFK teammates in arena. This shit is cancerous, and most of the time, they queue up with macros . This garbage needs to stop. Can devs please implement something to ban these assholes from the arenas? I can think of several smart ways to detect them that they won't be able to macro their way out of to get them banned.
the arena pops up and if u don't cancel it, you get pulled into arena... what macro are you talking about?
There is no macro's being used to afk sign up for Arena if there was our anit-system would auto ban them.
If player is inactive on arena he's losing anyway, as you'll have a chance to win the arena due to him, not fighting back to you.
I don't think he is talking about fighting an inactive, he is talking about an inactive being on his team, making it actually 2v3 instead of a real 3v3, its really really sad when you have 2 inactives then its only u vs 3, I seen it happen before.
It's a symptom of the underlying problem. Why are people AFKing during arenas? Because of the honor RNG system. Because you could use several hundred thousand honor in order to gem things. The second 100% slot helps a lot and I'm not trying to derail the discussion because it's been talked about many times, but if you want to know why people do this, it's because of the RNG honor system.

I don't think it's right for someone to be punished for trying to get honor when the RNG honor system is enough punishment already. If you ban them for being AFK and not doing anything, they'll just turn on autorun and walk straight into the other team without doing anything. If you make that bannable, they'll do just enough to get by without getting banned. There's ultimately no way to punish people for being low effort or sucking at the game or whatever the reason. And I don't believe they should be because there's no clear place to draw the line.
the arena pops up and if u don't cancel it, you get pulled into arena... what macro are you talking about?

I call it macros, when it could be shit like Archebuddy, because these people constantly have away tags, and are still able to queue up, and leave, seconds after the arena has ended, with the away tag in place at times. Sometimes not too.

I'm sure some of them just simply check their computer every 5 minutes, queue up come back and whatever. But I know I've seen the afkers with the away tag still exiting arena seconds after it ends, while keeping their away tag. One time I actually queued with someone next to me who had an away tag that never went away, he got into the arena, and as soon as it ended he left the arena, and we spawned next to each other. He still had his away tag. I thought it was just some weird bug, so I ignored it.

Point is, I'm sick and tired of these assholes, and this shit needs to stop. It's stupidly frustrating to lose arenas because some dick bag wants to afk just to get honor during the day.
I am so sick and tired of getting AFK teammates in arena. This shit is cancerous, and most of the time, they queue up with macros . This garbage needs to stop. Can devs please implement something to ban these assholes from the arenas? I can think of several smart ways to detect them that they won't be able to macro their way out of to get them banned.
