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Change the odds for socketing

Should the odds be increased for successful socket of gear?

  • yes

    Votes: 159 88.8%
  • no

    Votes: 20 11.2%

  • Total voters
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I would be OK with success rates being lowered. It does not matter because you will eventually reach your goal and you will not get screwed for it failing. Gems are a huge deal in this game so I understand people not wanting them to socket super easily. Just the fact that you don't blow 90% of your honor trying to get your gems back to where they were originally will take a huge load off.
I could see easier gemming being a big draw to newer players who need to catch up. Our server doesn't have unbound gemmed gear like other servers. Most I've seen is a 5 gem celest delph lake chest and thats it.
Higher Success Rates vs Lower Success Rates with no Gem Loss

Gems are a pretty big deal and the players that put in the work to get all the honor (and got lucky) to have all their stuff socketed might not like the idea of socketing being made easier (elitist mindset and all that). However if it was made to be a bit more difficult to get everything to socket, RNG wise, but didn't punish you for the shit rates, the people that got all their stuff socketed could be more inclined to like or tolerate the change. Everyone that plays this game is no stranger to the terrible rates and I think that not losing your previous gems, while maintaining the harsh socket rates, would be a way to please both sides of the issue.

If socket rates were higher, there is still a chance for failure. This failure would still lead to all previous gems in that item to be destroyed.. Even if the chance to socket 5 gems goes something like: 100, 95, 90, 85, 80; there is still a chance for failure is still there. I personally think that failure to socket should not screw over your previous successfully socketed gems. Even if you fail socketing the 5th gem 100 times, I think it is more appealing to have kept my 4 other gems than have a higher chance of success but losing my progress every time I fail.

Another thing to note is how a large portion of events are PVP events and while you don't have to have gems to participate, it is highly encouraged you do. Nothing sucks more than trying to socket more gems, failing, and ending up weaker as a result. With the previous gems staying, it would prevent players from possibly crippling themselves when failing to socket.

Which situation sounds more appealing to you:

  • Failing your 5th gem and proceeding to spend 100k honor to end up with 1 or 2 gems even though you statistically had a higher chance of success.

  • Failing your 5th gem and proceeding to spend 100k honor only to end up not earning any more sockets; however, the 4 gems prior to your 5th attempt remain in the gear.

Increased rates do not guarantee an easier time socketing. I believe the biggest thing is to not be put at a disadvantage for failing rather than the hope that the increased rates will give you (statistically) an easier time.

(I've reformated this post like 3 times now, sorry for anyone who may have read it before and is now confused. I think this gets my point across a little better.)
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All i gotta say 200k honor for a chest piece to be at 4 slot IS NOT OK. so far its takin me over 500k just to get a 4 slot on 4 pieces of gear.................... and thats fair? shits wild

update 30 gems into my sword im back to 1 gem after hitting 4 gems 1 time never getting over 1 for 20 solid gems
Still trying to push some meaningfull changes related to this.
Honor shop consumables were nice but not primary concern.
Still trying to push some meaningfull changes related to this.
Honor shop consumables were nice but not primary concern.

Yea, they kind of missed the point. Adding consumables to the honor shop was meant to give players something else to spend on after the gemming changes. I'm glad you understand that, and can try to make it better. Thank you for continuing to advocate for us!
The great socketing changes are soon !

Still trying to push some meaningfull changes related to this.
Honor shop consumables were nice but not primary concern.
Yes. The changes were ment to be after the socket changes, not before. I heard rumors of this being put into 3.0, is this correct?
Hi All!

This matter was checked on our side. After the long discussions and analysis, we made a decision to make some changes in socketing of gear. From now first two gems will have a 100% socketing success.
Hi All!

This matter was checked on our side. After the long discussions and analysis, we made a decision to make some changes in socketing of gear. From now first two gems will have a 100% socketing success.
Does this apply for honor gems only, ou any gems?
Hi All!

This matter was checked on our side. After the long discussions and analysis, we made a decision to make some changes in socketing of gear. From now first two gems will have a 100% socketing success.
Just the first two? Are you able to state the success rates for gems after the first two? The idea of a low socket % but having no break on gems after the first two has a lot of traction in the community.

We already get 100% on gem one. Your change saves us literally one gem. I don't feel it goes nearly far enough. You know honor gems need to be treated different from other types of gems such as 8% magic crit or whatnot right?
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Hi All!

This matter was checked on our side. After the long discussions and analysis, we made a decision to make some changes in socketing of gear. From now first two gems will have a 100% socketing success.
I mean that's a good start and appreciated. I'm not sure if it will be enough, but we will see after the change is made.. Can you guys release the socket success rates for the top tier gems?
Hi All!

This matter was checked on our side. After the long discussions and analysis, we made a decision to make some changes in socketing of gear. From now first two gems will have a 100% socketing success.

what about the gems that cost 220 loyalty?????
This change alone was more then Trion ever did. It might not be what were all looking for but at least yet again the admins/dev's listen and did something for us all. Trion would constantly feed us crap and sweep stuff under the carpet and wait for the community to stop talking about issues. They never did anything for us. This team here does listen and makes changes!
This change alone was more then Trion ever did. It might not be what were all looking for but at least yet again the admins/dev's listen and did something for us all. Trion would constantly feed us crap and sweep stuff under the carpet and wait for the community to stop talking about issues. They never did anything for us. This team here does listen and makes changes!
Can you please post the new rates for the community with these proposed changes? I'm not sure as a staff member if you have access to this.

Gem 1: 100%
Gem 2: 100%
Gem 3: ?
Gem 4: ?
Gem 5: ?
Gem 6: ?
Gem 7: ?

Also does this affect non honor gems?
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