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Character Select Leads To Black Screen

Try the fix i posted on this thread - hopefully it works for you no one else has complained yet about it so i think it works for everyone
Oh lol havent tried it yet, I had to go to a work thing. I'll post my results tomorrow since my internet is slow so I'd rather patch stuff overnight.

*Edit: Aumdaydar's solution worked perfectly.

*Edit 2: Once I got my settings back to how I usually have them, it went back to getting stuck on the black screen.
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This worked for me thank you

"go to Documents Folder > Archeage > Delete EVERYTHING under the folder's ie. crash reports and anything in a txt document + go to Log Backups folder and delete the ArcheAge Folder. "
Another thing you can do is just go to your options in game, go to quality and set your graphics quality settings to one of the defaults. This does the exact same thing as deleting all the files and is a lot more simple.
I can confirm, what actually worked for me on my desktop was using one of the graphics option presets rather than a custom. Deleting that folder and effectively resetting my settings did work - until I customized my graphics settings again.
Another thing you can do is just go to your options in game, go to quality and set your graphics quality settings to one of the defaults. This does the exact same thing as deleting all the files and is a lot more simple.
This worked for me.

@Aumdaydar I have Archeage Document folders and I thinmk is for the live Archeage not ArcheRage, where do I find the ArcheRage Documents?

Unsure about this, because when i broke up with Trion i deleted everything from them >.<

I think (dont judge me if i'm wrong, praise me if i'm right) that ArcheRage and ArcheAge go into the same documents folder's - That is why you will sometimes end up with conflicts and things not working quite right. This is just my assumption on it, so please take it as a grain of salt.
For anyone else having this issue even after deleting the folder's / files and stuff - here is another solution i figured out the other day while i was trying to narrow down a different problem. haha usually how it works.

Basically all you need to do is get in game and go to options and go to Quality - the top bar needs to be set to something other than user.

The method that worked best for me was to log out all the way. go to Documents > Archeage > delete all the files at the bottom of that folder (don't go deleting the folders just the files that show up under the folders). Go to LogBackups under the Documents > Archeage folder and delete the Archeage Folder inside the LogBackups folder.

Restart the game and press Alt + Enter once at server select to get out of full screen mode. Select Server and get in game with a character. Set your resolution that you want and go to Quality in the options. The main bar at the top of the quality settings should be set to "user" prob. Set this to what ever else you want, i used Medium since i have a potato gpu. I turned all of my shadows off (NOT messing with the sliders) I also turned off the HDR effects and Water effects, Apply changes and X out at the top right corner of your screen. Once back on the desktop you should be good to go. Just dont' mess with your settings anymore.