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Crest rules


New Member
@Sparkle I was asked to post this here instead of messaging a forum mod as they were unsure, So my issue is if I'm allowed to use a picture of Celestrata on a crest ingame its in no way derogatory of necessarily offensive. Specifically this image would be used and pasted onto a real estate sign as an agent for my land/house selling business. So I'm just checking will this land me in any hot water with you guys? As I couldn't find any info on this topic in the rules.

No tricks, no traps. Ironically they went with both.

On a serious note, why in gods name would you want this on your property lol
I think you are more likely to get into trouble for using the Remax name than anything. I think you'd be better off changing the name a bit, like they do in movies to avoid copyright problems. If you look closely there will be things like Boca Cola, or Mike sneakers. As long as the products are used in a normal, non offensive way, as you are doing here, they can use obvious spoofs of real products.

I think a spoof would be cooler in any event. I suggest, ReLax Real Estate...kinda cute, eh?