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CULT is the worlds only Anti Polictally Correct Gaming Community. We 100% Allow* and Encourage Trolling, Crude Humor, Scamming (Only in Games!), Grieifng, ect. We do not form Alliances, we do not make "Whitelists" or KOS lists, everyone is KOS, its CULT vs Everyone! Always! However, we also aim to be comptetive, we strive to be the best and most toxic in every game we Division, and we acheive it
To be clear to pontenial members, we are not racist, we are not homophobic, we do not hate anyone. We simply believe in freedom of speech and crude humor, and to be honest, find it funny when people get upset over trival insults. We mainly play PvP games
Thick skinned people only need apply!

CULT, (Formerly, Cult of Shadows). Is a Multi Game PvP based gaming clan. We have been a Clan since 2010, and spanned many games. In the pursuit of PvP content, from Greifing, GPvP, WPvP, Arena, and just any form of PvP we can find. We also do PvE, when we can be bothered :p.
We also fill our rosters with trolling individuals. We fill a niche that few really do in the gaming community. To be Amazing, PvPers (and PvErs :)) that are the most toxic guild/clan/group in any game we play. We thrive on Toxicity, and the tears of those we play against. We have been referred to as "Closet Psychopaths", however this is false. We are not in the closest!
we also host monthly contests as well so players can help earn gear and or gold ranging from 2k to 4k to help those who need it to catch up or gear up

DIscord: https://discord.gg/ty9CmeS to join

say something in the #recruitment channel ill see it also say your in game name as well

PM me or most cult members if you see us in game too that works as well
any questions feel free to ask