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Decent Suggestion.. maybe?


What if instead of the Greedy Grimoire, we got a cash shop loot crate for free? That way everyone has a chance at some extra gold or extra cosmetics. People can craft these books already but for the most part I don't buy them, I just hoard them off the Calendar and the rate of items makes me almost never run out of them.
So it would work like this:

Week 1: Dread Steed box(contents here)

Week 2: Hellhound Box(contents here)

So everyone would get 1 Free chance every week for something epic, extra gold to sink and one of those p2w anchoring shards. I don't think it would kill the economy either cause people would just buy more credits for more boxes anyway.

Just an idea
I don't believe you can craft the greedy grimoire. You can buy it via the honor shop with 1000 honor though.

I think there's kinda 2 parts to your suggestion. -too much greedy grimoires, we'd rather have some thing else / -give us free cashboxes.

Since greedy grimoires are not craftable I think they need to still be easily obtainable to keep the price of them around 5-10g. If the supply of those diminishes we'll see prices of 30g+. I like the idea of mixing in another item though rather then greedy grimoire so much though. maybe alternate between greedy grimoire and another loot drop increase item such as lucky quicksilver tonics or greedy goblin gummies.

I'd personally rather not see free cashshop boxes. Those boxes are really a cornerstone of the economy. If the value of them decreases, so do all the contents. Which in turn would discourage players from buying and spending credits on them. Any item that ends up in those boxes 2 weeks in a row, will tank on the auction(look at clear synthium shards)...I'd love cheap prices on everything, but it's not good for the economy long term. Since those synthium shards have tanked so much because they are in the rngboxes, they are almost worthless mob loot now. Before they started dropping out of rngboxes, they were about 5-7g each, now they are 70s each last time I looked. There's certain mobs that were worth farming, as well as coin purse farming, was more viable when those shards had more value. (I personally believe the lowering of the value of those shards discouraged coin purses farmers from farming and is a part the lunarite drought we are seeing) It's important the items in the boxes keep rotating too, but that's a different topic. Just giving an example of how an over abundance of even those low end items can affect the game in unexpected ways. An over abundance of the high end items will have an even larger impact.

Look at it this way...you could already get a 'free' cashshop box nightly by doing your library daily, selling the scrap, and using that gold to buy 100 credits off AH, and use those credits to buy the box. Or you could do the same by selling your login badge and buying rngboxes with that gold I'm just saying, rngboxes are easily obtainable already via gold, and gold is easily obtainable.

please don't hate me because I disagree with you :) I would certainly love to see an exchange program for those grimoires...or let us use them as a component to craft a different grimoire or something like that.