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Disconnects in arena.


New Member
I heard it's a common problem here. Myself, I'm disconnected from arenas about every third game.

It's especially annoying since this game loads a long time, and you don't get honor, while an entry is used.

As far as I understand it has something to do with server thinking you are using skills too fast and thinks you are hacking.

Since half of the server has 200+ ms here, I believe this anticheat doesn't work as intended.

I would love if there was anything our devs could do about this issue.

Same thing here, every day I take dc and lose arena because of the game and checking the internet is everything normal without packet losses
10 Arenas = 4 DC nice game..

I see several and several people creating topics on the same subject and nobody does anything.
Yea, it's seriously annoying... it's always right when i'm about to kill someone, 1 time i even managed to kill someone while i was dc'ed cus of witchcraft mob kept killing him, and i got him to very low life before the dc xD

But honestly, i'm also losing a lot from it, honor, ranking, having to wait to enter again, it's really frustrating, mostly cus it happens several times every single day these days...

I hope they fix it soon!
Separate instances are prone to being unstable, but this issue has been pointed towards admins already, they know and might be working on a solution.
Will need more data to check on it. As for now all we have here is the fact of disconnects on arenas that happen to some of our players.
When it happens to you again, please provide the date, time (server time) and your character name.
Will need a few players with this info to be able to analyse the situation.
Character: Jesusisreal
Date: 11/30/2017 - between 8:37 and 8:39 am server time.

Only today in 5 1x1 I was disconnected in 2 or 3, I'm dripping the server during the DCs and no packet loss happens.

The sad thing is that most of the time I do not get the honor and I'm stuck for a long time.
The disconects extend the dungeons too, yesterday 11/30/2017 between 8 and 10h PM server time I and another friend took several disconects on the gha, about a 6 to 7 and the internet was normal and the ping to the server as well.

In the open world the disconnects are rarer

Character: Jesusisreal
Alert, i think fiends kneel is causing memory leaks in my client. I had used it for about 4-5 days, then i was unable to enter arena without instantly crashing until i re installed, i began to use fiend once again after re install and i noticed my crashes were slowed at first, then became more constant. Please, check this. @IronLady @Sparkle
I've had to re install a total of 3-4 times already due to this issue.. it slowly causes more and more crashes as i enter arena..
Dc again

Character: Jesusisreal
Date: 12/02/2017 - 08:19 AM

Sincerely? this is already discouraging and the desire to stop playing this great because besides being harmed by the loss of honor we were still banned for 15 minutes.
One more day more disconnects and more damages and forbidden times to enter the arena, congratulations for the work verifying the problem.

Character: Jesusisreal - 04/12/2017 10:28 AM

Sincerely? I'm tired of being harmed by the server.
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