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Expansion Scrolls - Lost Credits


New Member
So, as soon as I logged in I spent 200 credits with expansion scrolls... When I went to use them, I had the surprise of realizing that they are not good for anything (at least, I can't find an use for them, since the expansion is made by gold). Any chance I could get the 200 credits back? @IronLady @Sparkle
So, as soon as I logged in I spent 200 credits with expansion scrolls... When I went to use them, I had the surprise of realizing that they are not good for anything (at least, I can't find an use for them, since the expansion is made by gold). Any chance I could get the 200 credits back? @IronLady @Sparkle

You can upgrade both your bag and warehouse to 100 slots with silver/gold and then the last 5 rows of each require expansion scrolls :D