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For the love of god an an option to disable autoattack


it gets me killed in arena, it slike 4/5 arenas that i loose its cuz of the fking autoattack, its retarded. "press f1 to target urself) I DO NOT HAVE TIME ,this bitch attacks faster than a freaking darkrunner
i am good, i could destroy ur noob ass any day, but if by any chace u get close to me when i cc, guess what? cc broken by autotack, say w.e u want but it is retarded that an mmo doesnt have a turn off autattack option
lol, in all seriousness i disagree you should have enough time to not trigger auto attack, if youre trying to deep freeze into meteor, you should dknow to stand far away or target yourself. Auto attack is not that quick. Also OP is probably a bad leechrunner.
you make no sense, and offer no good reason as to why gms should waste time implementing an action that has been in the game for 3 years. and its "are you 7" :p. Last comment from me.
Auto attacks are in archage since 1.0 git gud dude, if you want to be good you have to lern to drop target as soon as you put down your cc, simple as that