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Server updates 5/21: Faction Alliances, new Task Jar for Treehouses and more!

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Staff member
Server Updates + Restart.png
Dear ArcheRagers! Please take a minute to check changes and updates we prepared for you.

To apply them, server is going to be restarted on 5/21 at 7 am server time.
Estimated maintenance time: 40 minutes.

List of updates:
  • General Updates:
    • Faction Alliances:
      • Only weak faction can request an alliance.​
    • Added Apothecary's Task Jar for Treehouses:​
      • It generates 2 types of Daily Quest.​
      • Can be placed only in treehouses.​
      • Only 1 Apothecary's Task Jar can be placed in a building.​
      • Can be obtained for Gilda Stars.​
    • Cursed Giant Stone Golem and Hateful Ocleera kill requirements removed from "Auroran Omen" achievement.​
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed Kr version of Balloon Magithopter bug when increase of the move speed +50% for 5 seconds didn't happen when you first open it.​
    • Fixed Queen's Chamber portal from the quest "Queen of the Akasch".​
    • Griffin Boxes and Wrapped Emberwild Charger can now be placed into Pet Collector's Trunk.​
  • Marketplace:
    • Weekly Marketplace is updated [LINK]
    • Apothecary's Task Jar for Treehouses added permanently to the Gilda Stars Shop [LINK]
@Sparkle Is the KR version of the cumulous cloud magithopter supposed to not have the special ability of not losing altitude or was that a mistake? I regretted making mine the KR version ever since because of it.
The Cumulous has no such ability to not lose altitude. The trait is you descend slower, not that you do not descend at all while holding S
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