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Do you mean the Gifts for new transferring from live players? Yes, they will be available but rules to receive them and exact presents will be announced later. Approx within 3-5 days prior the Major update we'll have in 2 weeks.
For now you can start playing on our server, level your character to lvl 55 and wait for the details.
I came from the official server, you mean that if I post a screenshot of my character on the official I will get a gift here? I have 2 buils in official server, one full erenor with 9k gear and one with full divine obsidian plate with 7,6k gear but I really like Archerage, because this game is far better than the trion one.

The only bad point here is "Hitting Chicks is Cool" guild that makes new players quit this game all day, I almost quit this game with 14 days because of this guild purpling and robbing newbies.