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Hey guys 2 days till March!!!

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they need to hire more staff members tbh if theyre struggling to cope with the demand
I hope that a solution will be found and there can be a compromise between the administration and the player base. My boyfriend and I enjoy this game very much because of the potential it has, and it would be awesome to see the server grow and stay healthy.
I hope that a solution will be found and there can be a compromise between the administration and the player base. My boyfriend and I enjoy this game very much because of the potential it has, and it would be awesome to see the server grow and stay healthy.

same, atm the only reason why im playing right now is the free patron
These changes were made on 3.0 not by Trion but by XL games. It was made to fight with bots and it appeared to be very effective. The rewards for packs were, however increased, new routes were added as well, so you are not losing here.

From our side, in 3.0 we also decrease price for approx 30 types of resources needed to craft packs for 30%.
So two questions then.

These changes were made on 3.0 not by Trion but by XL games.

One: Have you always planned on not changing vocation? Why wasn't this said sooner - it's been in suggestion threads for months. Are you just not able to? Again, why was this not said sooner?

It was made to fight with bots and it appeared to be very effective.

Two: But we've been told that bots are not really a problem on this server, and the techniques we have for managing them already are effective. Why are they enough of a problem to necessitate changes to vocation/trade runs, but not enough of an issue to be worried about before this?
@Sparkle The community really wants seeds, saplings, and animals to still be available with *gold and vocation*. If seeds and animals are locked behind a vocation wall, people are going to be really, really angry.

Even more angry if the current system for earning vocation is taken away, and all we are left with are terrible quests that require multiple people for paltry amounts of vocation
@elyndora who told you that bots are not a problem? We are fighting them to reduce their quantity through our system anti-cheat and with the players reports, but it's not possible to remove them completely.
@elyndora who told you that bots are not a problem? We are fighting them to reduce their quantity through our system anti-cheat and with the players reports, but it's not possible to remove them completely.
It would take ages to dig through old forum posts of threads I read.

And I wasn't saying or meaning that they're completely removed. That's flat-out impossible, in any game. But the administration team has seemed to think that, while the situation isn't perfect, the bot situation is being handled efficiently between player reports and the bot shield, enough to where new players can be reassured that it's not too big of an issue. Is this wrong?

Editing to add: What about the vocation changes - why weren't we told sooner?
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Players: Don't do the thing
Devs: Hey we're gonna do the thing

A lot of the changes in 3.0 were the kiss of death to the game and you're somehow intending to make them worse? May as well just shut the server down now. If I wanted to play on a server like live I'd just go back to Trion. It seems that damn near all of the critical suggestions for this game (or at the very least this upcoming patch) are being all around ignored by this team and the only person who tried to bring our side of things to the devs was fired.
@elyndora - vocation changes we did were mentioned above. You said there are no changes in comperison to official, but there are indeed changes. Can repeat again, we are reducing the prices of some groups of items (around 30 types of plants, trees and seedlings) for vocation badges on 30%.

@Jagick - 3.0 changes are bad is your personal point of view. But as statistics of all servers updated to 3.0 showed the population of servers highly increased with that update. That is what happened on official RU, official NA, Korean and even our RU.
vocation changes we did were mentioned above. You said there are no changes in comperison to official, but there are indeed changes. Can repeat again, we are reducing the prices of some groups of items (around 30 types of plants, trees and seedlings) for vocation badges on 30%.
Disclaimer: All I know about 3.0 is what I've read up on about live and what I've seen others talking about over the past few months on these forums. I never played live.

But what I do know is that people were requesting a larger overhaul to vocation (and crafting, tbh). Cost reductions are important, but you're still keeping the general system of only being able to buy seedlings/saplings with vocation, along with overhauling the trade system to (as far as I can tell) still require royal seeds. I can't speak on changes made to trade packs because I've struggled to find information on live, but I'm hoping you understand my point - it's not the cost of the new system that people are worried about, but the changes to the system itself.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but -

3.0 changes are bad is your personal point of view. But as statistics of all servers updated to 3.0 showed the population of servers highly increased with that update. That is what happened on official RU, official NA, Korean and even our RU.

Of course there's going to be an immediate activity spike! All games function like that, and it's why you're going so hard on advertising 3.0 ;) People are drawn in because of new things and to events. Populations will increase in the short term no matter what you put out there. But you don't mention how long the population stayed higher, and if it stayed comparable to pre-3.0 rates, or launch rates for that matter.

New update = larger temporary population. New update =/= stable population or player retention.
@Sparkle - 3.0 changes are bad is your personal point of view. But as statistics of all servers updated to 3.0 showed the population of servers highly increased with that update. That is what happened on official RU, official NA, Korean and even our RU.[/QUOTE]

People go back and look arround cause it's a "new" update and are curious. Doesn't mean it's good. Do they remain and play it after a short time? Not really.
There's far more people who quitted due to it after a short time then those who decided to go back.

On a different note you guys made a thread asked us to post what we would like to see changed on 3.0 , why ? Considering you're ignoring pretty much everything, if not everything ? Clearly you can read your community posting , they are the ones who play and keep the server alive, i'd suggest you start listening while there's people still playing.

On a different note you need to seriously start taking in consideration the suggestions the community is giving you , because alot of the x2 honor, free patron and x2 growth time , the server isn't currently offering anything new from live onesand this was said by some of the most experienced/older players in your game such as Disrep himself and others.
And yes those are nice things and all , but are not enough to pull people from live. And currently your server is more PVE oriented then PVP. Most people who enjoy end game PVP/Content are playing live , and those who came here are either quitting/leaving or sorta inactive due to lack of competition since the catch up mechanics are slow and/or close to none.

Let's hope you guys honestly consider and do some changes , isntead of just implementing 3.0 with what you said in this thread cause that will just make more people leave.
Newer races were one of the biggest reasons as to why 3.0 led to a large spike in new players. These changes made things harder on pretty much everyone. 3.5 making them even worse and essentially dug a deeper grave for the game.
Guys, please keep it civil. Everyone is frustrated, but civility is the only way to keep the thread from getting locked or deleted.
I'm not sure I understand. You open a thread to let the community suggest changes so that we can get a filtered 3.0 with community-desired changes to the game, but you implement the patch exactly the way it was on official. Why ask if you don't plan to listen to any players?
I understand 30%, but it is not at all what was requested by all of the player base. People aren't asking for something completely new. They are asking to keep their current vocation system, purse farming, and so on, because it works well enough.
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Yeah, the addition of lolis especially will always make an mmo spike in activity xD Long term though I just worry about people becoming uninterested and the community becoming stale, because so much got added that people were -begging- to not get added.

It does make me curious about what the concept is behind why this stuff will help. Are the vocation quests supposed to bring players together? It'll likely make me drop my 200k gathering and become even more of a hermit tbh... Are the coinpurse/crate changes just being added because you think coinpurse farming was overtuned and creating too much profit? Was it actually bad enough that it needed to be changed?

Like.. if you kept these systems the same, as players have been asking (or added a hybrid, like seeds for both gold and vocation), do you guys think that would -hurt- the server? Hurt it more than it will hurt it to make everyone mad?
@Jagick - 3.0 changes are bad is your personal point of view. But as statistics of all servers updated to 3.0 showed the population of servers highly increased with that update. That is what happened on official RU, official NA, Korean and even our RU.

And where are those players now? How many "fresh starts" and server merges has live gone through as a result of the mass exodus of players from the game after numerous terrible updates (beginning with 3.0?) I can't tell if you actually believe what you're saying or if you're doing your job to market the server. As other said, OF COURSE there is a big spike in activity and even new players with a major update. People want to check the game out and veteran players want to see what's new, you aren't going to get that here. You're about to release content that most of your player base already experienced when it was new a couple years back, this 3.0 update is not going to have the draw you think it will because as it stands the moment you launch this update the ONLY thing that is going to be different between you and Trion is that you offer free patron, faster XP gain, and more labor reduction.

On the contrary, you are going to drive away the majority of your player base if you continue down this path. Do not try to justify it by comparing yourself to a game that killed itself by doing the exact same thing you're trying to rationalize doing here.
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@Sparkle I'm not going to speak some sense into your mind because based on my observation your brain works on one a single wave, send and no receive so I'm just going to say that you have treasure between your arms and you have no idea what to do with it so you're just drooling and shitting all over it like a 3 year old, I enjoy this game but seeing the amount of people quitting daily is absurd, you pretend blind telling us the numbers are increasing while everyone can confirm they are not. However, you have this one single shot that can fix everything and bring hundreds of players back to make this game actually alive but nope, you'd rather just drive it into the dirt like Trion did, are you even qualified for the position you hold? do you not learn from other people's mistakes? I've said this before and I'll say it again, hire a manager for this job, you are impotent.

"Statistics of all servers updated to 3.0 showed the population of servers highly increased"
This will happen here too, I guarantee that a fuckload of people will come back but for how long lol, I'd give it 2 weeks before they are gone again

They will come back like 20 of our friends did , and quit in under a week because it's simply impossible to catch up if you don't play a ridiculous amount of hours a day constantly.
And when you do the % on RNG are just so terrible that you end up to buy things. But guess what, with the overload of people quitting the AH prices are just absurd. Divines are going for 10k now , when they used to be 6k. Epics are going for 45/50k when they were 25k .
List goes on and it will just be worse and worse.
I think Mr Sparkles is doing a great job! Just ignore all these naysayers here, there all obviously just the minority of your population anyway they'll make no impact when they leave I'm sure, Just keep doing what your doing! Great Job!
Vocation badge crops:

Gold crops:

Keep in mind that the maximum amount of vocation badges from dailies u can get is around 8000(correct me if i'm wrong). You gain nothing from farming crops, unless they change that ofc :)
So do the math. Let the raging begin xD
Pictures taken from ArcheRage RU
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