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how does guild cloak leveling work?

i have a celest windsong cloak, and im making a switch to melee class.. should i just use the celest cloak to level my new guild cloak? or will that lower my stats ( guild cloak stats ) ? compared to just leveling it normally?

You can buy other cloak in prestige shop and using old cloak to leveling new cloak. Just put to the place of materials +1 other cloak (auroria haunted chest or prestige version) or +1synthesis mat and press the "yes, I want to blow up this sh!t" button! :D
I DOn't think you will get all your invested cloak XP. But this cloaks will work as "normal" materials. Celestial will give good XP to your new cloak.
Just farm the turtles, Giant and the Scorpion on Diamond shores, Pop 10% drop rate, You get those synthesis stones to lvl them up. I got mine to divine in just 2.5 hours farming. Just find a good spot.