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How should I gear up to those classes


New Member
So I've decided that for 100% I'll go with a melee fighter, something between Hex Warden, Shadowblade or the last and least favourite choice, Cheeserunner.

Once again, in the game I've met with a ton of sarcasm and responses that were too shady for me to see if they were for real or not. Thus, I come here for your aid in what should I equip myself with.
For now I roll between Shadowblade and Hex Warden on full plate armour and a greatsword. Seems alright for now but if I take PvP into consideration, should I go with leather?
It all boils down to what obsidian set should I do first. I do not have any wisps yet and I don't want to dissapoint myself after a long work of obtaining such armour, that it is not what is meta or semi-meta as I call it.

Also, what do you think about a two hander melee with defense skill set?
Leather would be the best option since it gives you the most offensive benefits. Plate would be nice to screw over other physical damage classes but you will be a prime target for mages. Leather doesn't give you much defense for either damage type but it does give you some offensive bonuses to make up for that.

As far as rolling the defense tree with a two handed weapon, you are pretty much wasting a tree. Most skills in the defense tree need a shield to work. You are better off using a tree that will offer more benefits to you.
Just as I expected. However, on global I've heard something about weapon swap. Changing weapons from shield to 2hander and the other way around to either boost damage or use shield benefits if needed. Is it viable in here too, does anyone even tries weapon swaps?
You can do it but it increases the investment for gear along with you having to deal with global cooldown. Having to equip both a shield and 1 handed weapon will put you out of the fight for a second or so and that could be life or death; especially as an assassin role. You cannot do everything with one build. If you try and do so you just end up with two gimped builds that does a half assed job at both roles. If you want to be tanky, get a shield and 1 handed weapon but roll the trees that would benefit you more as a tank and if you wanted to be an assassin roll the trees that would benefit you more as an assassin.

Doing things like this may work early on because lack of certain gems but when you have half assed builds later on you can really feel it. I would not recommend doing weapon swapping unless its for world boss weapons. Example being Using a greatsword -> swap to kraken longspear -> using longspear active -> swap back to greatsword.

I also believe they put a cooldown on weapon swapping later down the line but I don't remember when.