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Is it OK to use a program so I can use Steering Wheel for Freighters? Video and info inside


Hello everyone, this question goes to admins mainly. I want to make a DIY mini racing wheel using cardboard and a mouse. It will work with some racing and simulator games (Like Euro Truck Simulator 2), but ArcheAge does not support mouse steering natively, so I will have to simulate keyboard strokes with the mouse.

As you can see in the video below, the tutorial uses a well known program called PPJoy (there are other similar programs too), with which you can for instance set mouse movement to the left to A key and movement to right to D key.

I would like to make a wheel like that in the video so I can use it for trade runs to control my Freighter with a racing wheel just for more realistic feel of driving the Freighter :)

I dont think that it is like cheating or anything, but I wanted to ask first so I can get a clarification. Will it considered as using a third party program or is OK for me to use a mouse as a racing wheel? I really want to do that as this is a dream of mine since ArcheAge was released.

Thank you in advance for you time.

Edit 1: Typos