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I’ve been doing a lot of thinking


New Member
Hello, first I <3 archeage/archerage don’t think any mmo is better and perfectly well rounded. My only worry is will it survive? This server is much less pay to win but the reality is it is still p2w. Now I heard the argument archeage is a p2w game and there’s no getting passed it... WRONG! It may only be my imagination but dammit a man can dream! A COMPLETE FLUSHED OUT OF ALL AND ANY P2W ARCHEAGE! doesn’t it bring a tear to your eye? Doesn’t sound like the perfect dream? Ok ik devs need to make money somehow and it’s quite expensive maintaining a server for a whole country (or 2) with playable ping speed. And gold selling is still a thing because of the trade system. But just imagine if the game didn’t revolve around any what so ever p2w and was played like how Archeage should have always been played. It would be so beautiful don’t ya think? Devs could still make bank from Housing decs, sloths (which is not p2w), glider customs, costumes and custom costumes, rng boxs that had mounts and other BOUND cosmetics. Meh a man can only dream ;(
sure it's a dream we all have, i bitch about this server being pay2win as hell all the time, and i can't stand it if people say it isnt. but lets be honest, ever since archeage released it attracted so many whales, many people don't even now ways of obtaining gold other than swiping. archeage would lose a lot of players if those people would have to spent hours getting their gold. they'd just quit if the server didn't give them the option to do so. also i've figured some ways to actually make gold of these people very easily so they kinda help me along with making gold.
just try to adapt and make use of the server being pay2win, then it is a litte less frustrating :p
U mean this AA? That was in 2014 with no cash shop. I played this version 1.0 (Russia Obt) The best archeage fun i had.
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