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Land claiming

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New Member
Why do you allow these land barons to use macros/cheats to claim land. Trion found a way to detect and ban them years ago?
+1 to this mate. There is a guy named Raktivara. He grabbed more than 4 lands within in miliseconds. Also it is like he is using an alt. Can you please check on him @IronLady .
Biowolf just beat Raktivara to a 24x24 in Lacton ,and both players did not seem to be using macro since i was there watching.
There was enough time to place the design without macro.
Biowolf just beat Raktivara to a 24x24 in Lacton ,and both players did not seem to be using macro since i was there watching.
There was enough time to place the design without macro.

In fact, it does seem that Raktivara wasn't using any macros. Please file a report with evidence if you have information suggesting otherwise.
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