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Please increase labor cap

I'd love to see the labor cap increased, im trying to make money with the worst proficiency carpentry and i'd love see the cap increased but its a bad idea... dont do it as helpful as it will be to some players it might fuck up some prices.

@Maiden 's idea is way better
A good idea for me, since many players simply can not go online for a few days to use the 5 ~ 12k of work they earn each day on something that benefits them, such as raising a profession they desire, and simply spending the labor on things not useful, I think it would be good to increase the limit of labor to 10k, but also to add a machine in mirage to exchange the 'Thirsty Worker's Flask' + 1k of labor for a pot of 1k of labor BOUND, so as not to influence the market of the game , so the players would just save the labor that can not be used at that time, and then when I have time I would use it for something useful, I believe that would be the best way to get around this waste of regenerated labor, even more now this year's end , many travel and can not log in for days.
just take away labor regen entirely and send 10x labor bound pots per day seems easy @Ryuzaki

That'll result in less labor.
At the moment you get 480/hour, that's 11520 labor in 24 hours + 3 labor potions if you have a stipend.

It'd be nice if they just let us store excess labor into the Thirsty Worker's Flasks that we get every day for spending 1k labor.
That'll result in less labor.
At the moment you get 480/hour, that's 11520 labor in 24 hours + 3 labor potions if you have a stipend.

It'd be nice if they just let us store excess labor into the Thirsty Worker's Flasks that we get every day for spending 1k labor.

There is a possibility of storing it at about 2/3 3/4 of amount into Thirsty Flasks.It is one of suggestions i passed to admins.
i mean u get the idea its just a rough suggestion but it would be easy to do and would make it extremely convient