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Skill proficiency limitations

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Is it possible to remove/increase (so we can master all) the limitations to how much skills we can master?

I understand that we can use snowflakes but the increase is not enough to let us master all the skills.

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The limit is intentionally there to stop you from doing exactly that.
Although an increase to the maximum may be possible, however by increasing it you start to remove the purpose of why the limit even exists in the first place.
Have to wait and see what Sparkle has to say about it
I didn't realize there was a limit at first either. My plan was to master every skill just to say I did. I knew that specialization snowflakes can be bought to keep increasing. I did not know there was a limit where I wont be able to raise anymore.
Skill proficiency limitations were added in Archeage on purpose. Players need to choose the activities they would like to pay more attention to.
Skill proficiency limitations were added in Archeage on purpose. Players need to choose the activities they would like to pay more attention to.

And I totally get that. I never played retail Trion AA past patch 2.5. And no character was ever at lvl55. Your server is my first ever experience getting a proficiency past 10k. I knew there was a limit based on the number left each time. And I knew I had an item in my wharehouse to boost one more. And I knew I could get that same item in the store. I had just never tried to max to know I cant.
You can use a snowflake 13 times in total. It informs you of how many times you can increase the cap further in bright red text just above the confirm button
Skill proficiency limitations help promote trading of services and goods in the game. If players can do all professions to max capacity then it will have a negative effect on the economy.
Skill proficiency limitations were added in Archeage on purpose. Players need to choose the activities they would like to pay more attention to.
from my understanding, they were added so there would be additional sinks(flakes from gold) and milking money from players(flakes from creds) in the game if players wanted to specialize more skills without alts/hassle/all in one char. (kind of like inventory slots/quality of life/convenience things) - this kind of work towards promoting multi-clienting as well in archeage (more labor, diff acc specializes in different things but we cant do that here). and yes - they do help you to focus on certain specializations so people are able to get to higher tiers faster in a sandbox game.

Skill proficiency limitations help promote trading of services and goods in the game. If players can do all professions to max capacity then it will have a negative effect on the economy.

by that line of reasoning, no one would be trading basic/low prof tier mats as anyone can get them by themselves (just because you can get/make it yourself, doesnt mean you will - most people buy if they have the means) - especially true for higher tier stuff as it saves you the hassle. also, majority of high volume goods being traded does not need high prof so it does not reduce trade volume even though everyone can do it.

and the fact is players can get all proficiency to max capacity, just not on one character. proficiency is not shared between characters so you can just swap characters. (now dont go and say we dont need this because if so, we dont need higher stack amounts now do we?) also, only players interested in maxing out proficiency will do that and that requires you to burn 230k labor in all fields.

for the promotion of services, i assume it would be something like making an animal pen(locked behind 230k of husbandry). now, wouldnt it be more likely that said person looking for services will be more likely to get it, if i had it on my character and i do not have to swap characters to render that service? / my proficiency not being hardcapped.

also, if you are talking about someone who can make everything by themselves and therefore do not buy stuff from others, that means said person will need to sink in 230k labor into everything which takes a significant amount of playtime, land etc etc, wouldnt that actually benefit the game? (im convinced that at some point there would be just mass buying of mats to grind prof / actual production of mats from some of the obscure professions like artistry,construction etc / more mat sinks) before they reach that point.
SO u want be solo player in mmo game i see? Game demands u to specilize in something if u want do all alone u chose wrong game. I love it i buy and trade lot of things with other ppl got maxed 2 profs and i dont need more and i dont feel like i would like to waste labor on something that someone doing better.
SO u want be solo player in mmo game i see? Game demands u to specilize in something if u want do all alone u chose wrong game. I love it i buy and trade lot of things with other ppl got maxed 2 profs and i dont need more and i dont feel like i would like to waste labor on something that someone doing better.

... i am not proposing to ban trade and MP.
what i mean is if someone wanted to max everything on one char would need an increasing amount specialization flakes to start with, that would be the start of the sink and there will be many things he would need to get there like mats etc etc that would be a sink and for some obscure less useful stuff like in artistry etc. + look at the different class skills and combinations. if the game promoted segregation of specializations, why do we have that?

besides, if you want to be entirely self sufficient (but obviously no one does that even if you have instant all max prof),
you can already specialize everything you want on one account. all you have to do is swap characters.

what i am proposing is not to make things easier/lower prof requirements/etc etc, but merely convenience sake of having all the prof on one char, just like how you have one stack of 10000 item instead of multiple 100s stacks in your inventory.

everyone can grow potatoes or make pots on day 1 of the game(with public house) but obviously not everyone does that.
The restriction is intentional. As of currently no change will be made towards this and will likely stay this way as there is no need for a change here
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SO u want be solo player in mmo game i see? Game demands u to specilize in something if u want do all alone u chose wrong game. I love it i buy and trade lot of things with other ppl got maxed 2 profs and i dont need more and i dont feel like i would like to waste labor on something that someone doing better.
They are not a soloist, they are a completionist.
Some people collect pets, some vehicles, etc...some people like to collect achievements....like me.
Also, the proficiency xp is limited by labor. If someone blows their labor working one skill, they can't work another for a period of time. The labor system keeps the proficiencies in check by limiting how much a player can produce in a set time; its not the limits placed on how many max profs that can be reached.

Increased to max proficiency wouldn't hurt the economy at all.
If anything, it would help promote credit sales for snowflakes. I don't know anyone who buys them from the general merchant for 200 gold each.
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Something I wish everyone would recognize: XL/Trion's entire system promotes alt accounts, paid for with Apex.
A patron player pays $15(?) for a monthly subscription.
An alt player uses Apex that someone else paid $20 for.
Get it?
XL/Trion make more money on the alt accounts!

The limits were not put in place to promote trade. They were added to promote alt accounts.
Something I wish everyone would recognize: XL/Trion's entire system promotes alt accounts, paid for with Apex.
A patron player pays $15(?) for a monthly subscription.
An alt player uses Apex that someone else paid $20 for.
Get it?
XL/Trion make more money on the alt accounts!

The limits were not put in place to promote trade. They were added to promote alt accounts.
They are not a soloist, they are a completionist.
Some people collect pets, some vehicles, etc...some people like to collect achievements....like me.
Also, the proficiency xp is limited by labor. If someone blows their labor working one skill, they can't work another for a period of time. The labor system keeps the proficiencies in check by limiting how much a player can produce in a set time; its not the limits placed on how many max profs that can be reached.

Increased to max proficiency wouldn't hurt the economy at all.
If anything, it would help promote credit sales for snowflakes. I don't know anyone who buys them from the general merchant for 200 gold each.

Thank you Mim. I don't know how to put it out for people to understand clearly.
Skill proficiency limitations were added in Archeage on purpose. Players need to choose the activities they would like to pay more attention to.
Closing this thread as for now nothing will be changed with this system so we have nothing to debate at this time on this topic.
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