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Suggestion to fix the land problem that drives away so many new players

Hi, I don't know if my contribution to this thread will mean anything at this point (since it's basically just repeating what other people said and it's stupidly wordy) but here it is. Also, I only have experience with East faction so idk if this applies for West or not.

On the original topic of this thread: I agree that having something in addition to tax certs might help with the problem of land barons only logging in to pay taxes. However, as far as what that actual item should be...I don't know. Although adding iron/stone/lumber to the tax cert process might boost the market for those items, I don't think it would make a big enough impact for the mega land barons who probably have enough gold to spare. It might encourage smaller land barons to let go of some of their land, but what would be stopping the mega land barons and the usual land grabbers from grabbing those plots once they demo/expire? I don't know if introducing a new kind of item/currency (or a daily/weekly quest task thing?) would help or just mess everything up. Another option could be to exponentially increase the amount of taxes that must be paid per additional plot or, like someone mentioned before, increase the amount of taxes on design placement or limit the frequency of how often a player can place a design down. Also, like many people stated before, limiting the amount of land that can be owned might be an option, but based on square footage or types of plots instead of number of plots. It would suck, and I would hate it, but it might be necessary. Unfortunately for now, the only quick-fix I can think of is to rely on the goodwill of the players. People need to be willing to let go of plots they're not using so newer players can have a chance to use them, and newer players that are picky with land need to understand that it might be unrealistic to aim for a prime spot (like next to an ocean) this late in the game. Existing players renting out plots might help some newer players, and I know there have at least been some efforts by existing players towards this. Maybe if there's enough people doing that, someone could make a thread with all the people who have land available for rent/use specifically for new players or something, idk. I'm just brainstorming ideas.

(Tl;dr Iron/stone/lumber in addition to taxes is probably not significant enough to make an impact on mega land barons, and demos will likely just go to another land baron or a land grabber. Might have to rely on goodwill of existing players or just outright cap the amount of land players can own)

On the topic of "open" land: In terms of "open" spots, there's a good chance there will not be anything above an 8x8. However, there are plenty of plots that undergo demolition. Sometimes plots aren't being used because the owner just logs in to pay taxes, but other times it's empty because the person quit or got banned or otherwise does not play the game anymore. Even plots that seem like they're being used can demo. My point is, inspect every plot for any signs of it demoing, take note of the date and time, and prepare to snag it once it expires. However, if you want a plot next to the ocean or specialty workbench, you're not going to find one unless you buy it from someone else or you're super lucky and have great ping. Prime spots like oceans are always being contested for, so there is a very low chance you'll be able to get land there. If all you want is a place to put a 16x16 scarecrow, look into places that are more inland or not as popular, such as arid and tropical climate areas. Your first 16x16 may not be in an ideal spot, but it should be enough to get you started so you can either buy more land or wait for more demos to claim.

(Tl;dr For players looking for land: Look for demos in not-as-popular housing zones or not-as-popular climates. If you're picky with land...good luck?)

My personal experience with land that no one cares about: When I started a few weeks after the October launch, I couldn't find any open spots. I ended up having to start with an 8x8 on the outskirts of the city of Mahadevi. I was really picky about my land though, and I really wanted a spot in Villanelle near the ocean because it was a temperate climate and oceans are cool. But no matter how hard I looked (and I looked in every nook and cranny in Villanelle), I couldn't find any open space. Not even anything demoing. I was very close to just quitting at that point. But I didn't (for some reason), I just farmed away on my tiny little plot in the middle of nowhere. A week or two later, my friend (who started before me) gave me two 16x16 plots in Windscour because he didn't need them anymore. I wasn't too thrilled about it since it was an arid climate, but land was land. At the same time, I was still watching all the plots in Villanelle closely, waiting for a demo. I managed to find an uncontested 16x16 in the housing province above The Paddies. Within a few weeks, I ended up getting 4 16x16s and 1 24x24 just in the area above The Paddies (2 of the 16x16s and the 24x24 came from a liberally spaced treehouse that expired but whatever). I tried contesting for land next to the ocean but...nope, my ping was way too bad and there were too many people. I had to give up on land near the ocean. Fast forward another month, where I stumbled across an open 16x16 space that probably demo'd a few hours ago. After decided I didn't need it, I gave it to my neighbor for free because I saw they were struggling to get more than 1 16x16 plot and everyone else owned the entire province. Fast forward again to a few days ago, I was able to snag 3 28x28s in Windscour, uncontested of course, and only because it was a natural reaction for me to grab expiring land. I don't actually need it, and definitely don't want to pay all the taxes for it (because I use a lot of labor just from farming because I'm a massive carebear). All I want now is a specific 28x28 plot right next to Windscour Lake, and then I can probably just demo the rest of my Windscour plots (because it's annoying trying to sell land). Maybe some Villanelle ones too. Honestly the only reason I'm still keeping them is so I could possibly offer it up for trade to a specific person in exchange for the specific plot I want. I am actually so desperate for it. ...What was the point of this paragraph again? Anyways, if you're new and need help, send me mail (because I hardly ever look at chat) and I'll try to help you out as best as I can!

(Tl;dr For new players: Don't give up. Be patient and persistent. Also, send me mail in game if you need help finding land or something and I'll try my best to help out!)
We have to be real about the big problem with the server configuration. You cannot give free patron, 4x labor regen, and not place some kind of restriction on properties. Maybe you limit how many people can have. Maybe you come up with some kind of "use it or lose it" feature that will demo a farm if it isn't used.

It wouldn't hurt to eliminate prepaid taxes.

Agreed. This isn't about punishing land barons, or giving free land to lazy newbies. It's about designing a system in a way that leads to a healthy game. XLGames designed and carefully balanced the inputs and outputs to this virtual economy, including the scarcity of land (which I really like btw - there's nothing dumber than MMOs with instanced, unlimited housing) and that balance is way off here. There's no downside to grabbing, owning and holding as much land as you can. That should be a decision with pros and cons.
I mean....I don't.....huh?

Addressing you at this point is pretty much pointless but how does one player selling a property to another player ruin the economy. Even if you would argue that the money for the land just goes to the player and it doesn't benefit the overall game, the means to which the player used to earn the gold to purchase the property did help with the economy. Be it through mining, purse farming or any other means.

Honestly at this point I want to say Crowen is trolling because these posts make no sense.

No its because land grab hacking and selling ruins economy as players are putting gold where it should not be.
So if you can't see the big picture I can see your point but if you see it from the full scope like economy then its a real issue.
First off, I see land for sale all the time in Arcum iris and in mahadevi. There are people in trade chat always looking to sell land. also I don't see anyone using the temporary land where you can place a farm for 7 days. That is always empty. I own a couple of farms myself but I started off small. I found a few open spots to place a 8 x 8 and when people moved out I planted a 16 x 16. Some land I paid for and some I got for free. If you raise the taxes that hurts current players like myself who bought land from other players. Another thing is that there spots to plant 8 x 8's but people want the bigger land and they want it now!!!!

Maybe one solution is if people already have a certain amount of land then they are not able to get anymore in the future when more opens up. So either they stay where they are, sell or demo. This gives people a chance to get land who don't have any but that will not stop land grabbers who get land just to turn around and sell. Unless you put some kind of limit on them to where they can't sell more than one piece of land a month.

Another solution could be what Trion did. There was certain land that was once reserved for bigger houses only but they opened it up to all sizes. If you already had a 16 x 16 you could not get land there. Maybe you can do this with the temporary farms no one uses. There is one in arcum and one in falcorth. I don't know about the west side. This way it does not hurt people who already have land by raising taxes but the account should be flagged where they cannot get anymore land in these areas.

Non of this fixes the problem that the land is taken already. The whole point is to force people with land to reduce the amount to a normal fair amount and make that available to others. If you own to much land to pay higher taxes sell some to lower players then problem solved and you don't loose anything from your costs. It really sounds like you just don't want to loose land and thats the whole point of the thread.
Im pretty sure the devs dont need to waste their time catering to crying fools like yourself, you quote everything but the video showing land my enemy property is simply because I was questing there if new player quits before he gets that far he doesnt belong here. All i seen from you is tears of entitilment but do go on it's amusing

All I see from you is crying no don't take all my land I want to own the whole area so no one else can play. Its really funny actually you ignore the issues but just try to attack anyone that makes a good point. Its up to the devs they can see how the server is dying and if they do nothing its over. Nothing you or I can do to change that. If you think you guys with all the land not even playing is going to keep this server alive your kidding yourself. Whole point is either this changes or the server will shut down its up to the devs which they want. I play games the way they were meant to be played and if you think the Devs put land in game to be held by players that don't even play your nuts. But you keep responding your the one thats amusing.
7 pages of people arguing about whether its easy to get land or not, when the bottom line is that a large portion of land is unused and paid off by inactive accounts because of the labor boost. Meaning the land that by nature is supposed to go away when players stop playing doesn't for a LOT of players. I have a plot next to me that has had the same three things on it for 2months. THIS IS WRONG. It should not be. Discard all your petty arguements about whether or not its hard to get land. The bottom line is it is undebatably wrong for people who have stopped playing to be able to retain all their land just in case someday they get bored and want to come back . That is unhealthy for the server. Period. There is absolutely not logical arguement you can make otherwise. You can only deflect to other topics. There needs to be something done to stop this from being possible, which is why I suggested materials going into tax certs. Inactive players will eventually go broke and be unable to do it and then have to make a decision whether they want to log in and make some money or just say fuck it.

I agree however if you just have to put a lumber pack into it every once in a while then they will just plant trees and log as well. But this idea does help at least your trying to find solutions instead of just these people upset they might loose one or 2 pieces of there vast empire.
All I see from you is crying no don't take all my land I want to own the whole area so no one else can play. Its really funny actually you ignore the issues but just try to attack anyone that makes a good point. Its up to the devs they can see how the server is dying and if they do nothing its over. Nothing you or I can do to change that. If you think you guys with all the land not even playing is going to keep this server alive your kidding yourself. Whole point is either this changes or the server will shut down its up to the devs which they want. I play games the way they were meant to be played and if you think the Devs put land in game to be held by players that don't even play your nuts. But you keep responding your the one thats amusing.
Go away troll i own 2 16x16 2 aqua farms and i got them within two weeks of being on the server. I repeat there is absolutely no land problem there never was in the first place just lazy people crying on the forums i even made a clip after one idiot said that we cant prove that there is land going demo all the time you see people like you will quit anyways because you cant get (insert whatever here). Anyway i think this topic should be closed now enough beating this dead horse
Go away troll i own 2 16x16 2 aqua farms and i got them within two weeks of being on the server. I repeat there is absolutely no land problem there never was in the first place just lazy people crying on the forums i even made a clip after one idiot said that we cant prove that there is land going demo all the time you see people like you will quit anyways because you cant get (insert whatever here). Anyway i think this topic should be closed now enough beating this dead horse

ROFL it is an issue or people wouldn't be posting it. Just because you didn't have the issue 4 months ago doesn't mean its not an issue now. Think beyond your little bubble. and if you have on;y 4 spots then the tax increase wont even affect you unless your BSing which I am pretty sure you are. Devs can check into all this anyways and they are the ones seeing the numbers and they know the server is dying. They either save it or let it die we will see which they choose.
ROFL it is an issue or people wouldn't be posting it. Just because you didn't have the issue 4 months ago doesn't mean its not an issue now. Think beyond your little bubble. and if you have on;y 4 spots then the tax increase wont even affect you unless your BSing which I am pretty sure you are. Devs can check into all this anyways and they are the ones seeing the numbers and they know the server is dying. They either save it or let it die we will see which they choose.
You dont read do you? I have only been playing for a month and a half oh and by the way i still check land from time to time and there is plenty of it. How long have you been here entitled young man? If you cant get land you are seriously just not looking or you would have land it takes time to get land until you put the time in go away. Devs can check this thats why they dont care about this thread because they know that its bullshit but good luck to you in your qq adventures lol
My family (ingame) has bought 6 pieces of land this week, most of them were lower than 1k gold .......... I make that a day just by being lazy. If i try i can make well over 3k.

Oh and i started from a little 8x in Two Crowns, i slowly made my money but now im owning about 13 plots. Just because you cant, do not makes those who can suffer.

Tax isnt as easy as this thread is making out. I have to use an entire day of labour + the stipend. Just to pay half of my plots.

ROFL no way you should have 13 plots anyways which makes this post a perfect example of what people are saying.
If you make 1k a day being lazy you should post ho you do that because I don't know anyone doing this but you.
Land pricing is going down though because less people are coming to the server and once the server is totally dead prices should be good. Of course that will be when there server is turned off as well so not sure thats the solution but maybe it is.
You dont read do you? I have only been playing for a month and a half oh and by the way i still check land from time to time and there is plenty of it. How long have you been here entitled young man? If you cant get land you are seriously just not looking or you would have land it takes time to get land until you put the time in go away. Devs can check this thats why they dont care about this thread because they know that its bullshit but good luck to you in your qq adventures lol

I have been here as long as you then and I do read just not paying much attention to your posts they are meaningless and thanks for calling me young have not heard that in about 30 years but then I am probably alot older then you and wish I was young so that really is a complement. :)
Your right Devs can check and they have posted many times about how the server pop is dying so I think they care alot. This game has alot to do with land because its used for everything and its the reason it will succeed or fail simple as that. Right now its failing but the Davs feel 3.0 will magically revive it which it wont as it doesn't solve the issue. It will bring people back for a month or so then it will drop like a stone. Same as live.
well you certainly act like a kid hence i assumed you were young. Can you quote those post where they said the the pop is dying due to land problems
Hi, I don't know if my contribution to this thread will mean anything at this point (since it's basically just repeating what other people said and it's stupidly wordy) but here it is. Also, I only have experience with East faction so idk if this applies for West or not.

On the original topic of this thread: I agree that having something in addition to tax certs might help with the problem of land barons only logging in to pay taxes. However, as far as what that actual item should be...I don't know. Although adding iron/stone/lumber to the tax cert process might boost the market for those items, I don't think it would make a big enough impact for the mega land barons who probably have enough gold to spare. It might encourage smaller land barons to let go of some of their land, but what would be stopping the mega land barons and the usual land grabbers from grabbing those plots once they demo/expire? I don't know if introducing a new kind of item/currency (or a daily/weekly quest task thing?) would help or just mess everything up. Another option could be to exponentially increase the amount of taxes that must be paid per additional plot or, like someone mentioned before, increase the amount of taxes on design placement or limit the frequency of how often a player can place a design down. Also, like many people stated before, limiting the amount of land that can be owned might be an option, but based on square footage or types of plots instead of number of plots. It would suck, and I would hate it, but it might be necessary. Unfortunately for now, the only quick-fix I can think of is to rely on the goodwill of the players. People need to be willing to let go of plots they're not using so newer players can have a chance to use them, and newer players that are picky with land need to understand that it might be unrealistic to aim for a prime spot (like next to an ocean) this late in the game. Existing players renting out plots might help some newer players, and I know there have at least been some efforts by existing players towards this. Maybe if there's enough people doing that, someone could make a thread with all the people who have land available for rent/use specifically for new players or something, idk. I'm just brainstorming ideas.

(Tl;dr Iron/stone/lumber in addition to taxes is probably not significant enough to make an impact on mega land barons, and demos will likely just go to another land baron or a land grabber. Might have to rely on goodwill of existing players or just outright cap the amount of land players can own)

On the topic of "open" land: In terms of "open" spots, there's a good chance there will not be anything above an 8x8. However, there are plenty of plots that undergo demolition. Sometimes plots aren't being used because the owner just logs in to pay taxes, but other times it's empty because the person quit or got banned or otherwise does not play the game anymore. Even plots that seem like they're being used can demo. My point is, inspect every plot for any signs of it demoing, take note of the date and time, and prepare to snag it once it expires. However, if you want a plot next to the ocean or specialty workbench, you're not going to find one unless you buy it from someone else or you're super lucky and have great ping. Prime spots like oceans are always being contested for, so there is a very low chance you'll be able to get land there. If all you want is a place to put a 16x16 scarecrow, look into places that are more inland or not as popular, such as arid and tropical climate areas. Your first 16x16 may not be in an ideal spot, but it should be enough to get you started so you can either buy more land or wait for more demos to claim.

(Tl;dr For players looking for land: Look for demos in not-as-popular housing zones or not-as-popular climates. If you're picky with land...good luck?)

My personal experience with land that no one cares about: When I started a few weeks after the October launch, I couldn't find any open spots. I ended up having to start with an 8x8 on the outskirts of the city of Mahadevi. I was really picky about my land though, and I really wanted a spot in Villanelle near the ocean because it was a temperate climate and oceans are cool. But no matter how hard I looked (and I looked in every nook and cranny in Villanelle), I couldn't find any open space. Not even anything demoing. I was very close to just quitting at that point. But I didn't (for some reason), I just farmed away on my tiny little plot in the middle of nowhere. A week or two later, my friend (who started before me) gave me two 16x16 plots in Windscour because he didn't need them anymore. I wasn't too thrilled about it since it was an arid climate, but land was land. At the same time, I was still watching all the plots in Villanelle closely, waiting for a demo. I managed to find an uncontested 16x16 in the housing province above The Paddies. Within a few weeks, I ended up getting 4 16x16s and 1 24x24 just in the area above The Paddies (2 of the 16x16s and the 24x24 came from a liberally spaced treehouse that expired but whatever). I tried contesting for land next to the ocean but...nope, my ping was way too bad and there were too many people. I had to give up on land near the ocean. Fast forward another month, where I stumbled across an open 16x16 space that probably demo'd a few hours ago. After decided I didn't need it, I gave it to my neighbor for free because I saw they were struggling to get more than 1 16x16 plot and everyone else owned the entire province. Fast forward again to a few days ago, I was able to snag 3 28x28s in Windscour, uncontested of course, and only because it was a natural reaction for me to grab expiring land. I don't actually need it, and definitely don't want to pay all the taxes for it (because I use a lot of labor just from farming because I'm a massive carebear). All I want now is a specific 28x28 plot right next to Windscour Lake, and then I can probably just demo the rest of my Windscour plots (because it's annoying trying to sell land). Maybe some Villanelle ones too. Honestly the only reason I'm still keeping them is so I could possibly offer it up for trade to a specific person in exchange for the specific plot I want. I am actually so desperate for it. ...What was the point of this paragraph again? Anyways, if you're new and need help, send me mail (because I hardly ever look at chat) and I'll try to help you out as best as I can!

(Tl;dr For new players: Don't give up. Be patient and persistent. Also, send me mail in game if you need help finding land or something and I'll try my best to help out!)

Great post and I value your input as I hope others do. You have hit alot of the issues and I am glad your giving away land to others that can't get any thats very nice of you. I wanted to cut your post down in the reply but its very hard to do without breaking the points you made. You have made light of the fact that its hard as a new player to get land and you have made a great point of the land being held by players not even playing. These have to be worked on and I like that. You have also pointed out that there is land here and there in the more dangerous areas just hard for new players to want to go there. I think this points out to me that there should be a reason for avanced players to move to higher zones and that there should be incentive to have them drop lower areas land. Maybe a straight out limit to how many plots you can have would be the easiest solution. Really no one should need or have 10 or more plots. Maybe a limit of 6 per account or 10 per account but 6 per character.
well you certainly act like a kid hence i assumed you were young. Can you quote those post where they said the the pop is dying due to land problems

Well you like to state other act like a "kid" which I assume you mean Child but then children use these kinda words also like name calling like "troll". But then I think you are the only one that did that. :p
As for posting devs posts:
there are a few

Now can you back any of your statements with Dev quotes or facts?
Just yesterday a new player walked into White arden and found a 16 that had demo'd and no one bothered to grab it. Land grabbers might be more common in high demand areas like two crowns or hellswamp ect, but, new players dont need prime land starting out nor do I think they are entitled to it. If your issue is with the land grabbers, instead of trying to raise weekly taxes ect on held lands, why not increase the taxes for placing land over a certain amount to make it so the land grabbers are limited on how many lands they can grab/hold in a day? Raising weekly taxes only hurts the legit players because land grabbers rarely hold the lands for more then a day or so before selling it so weekly taxes dont hurt them, only placement taxes will.

Or, The admin team can crack down on said land grabbers that have been reported... many reports have gone in but the same ppl continue to grab land and sell it. Also, I have not seen the land grabbers in areas like white arden, dewstone, mari ect, if you need land to get started maybe check those areas regularly, take note of any being demo'd and be there when they go down. I think its unrealistic to expect to just walk up to a prime area and expect there to be open land, that would indicate a dead server imo.

I stand behind my statement of there is land to be had if you look in low demand areas and put in the effort to snag them. Increasing taxes is not the answer here. No one started out with large amounts of land, unless you were one of the treehouse people. New players are capable of earning money without having land, sunken treasure, selling regrades for example, completing merit dailies, doing trade runs using specialty packs for resources and selling the resources....mining, coin purses.. just to name a few. Take your place in the economy, earn your gold, buy your land like everyone else. Land should not be handed to anyone.

This entire post only proves my point. Stating that land selling and buying is the economy is exactly the issue. Its not or it would cost someone to buy it in the first place. This is a land grabber / hackers attitude post and not worth anymore time in.
@Crowen so why u have a cottage not build in the same spot for more than a week? U are ruining the game econemy for hold land. If you forgot the spot i take printscreen to show.
@Crowen so why u have a cottage not build in the same spot for more than a week? U are ruining the game econemy for hold land.

I don't and again land is not the economy it supports the economy which is crafting/farming. my son has one he still has not built I got for him
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