Technical server restart at 7:00 am 12/13!
Dear ArcheRagers!
Server will be off for restart on 12/13 at 7:00 am. A number of bug fixes will be applied.
- Beanstalk House extra floating flowerbed removed.
- Removed daily tasks with Korean text and wrong reward. That were test quests and were not supposed to be available for players.
- Fixed Loyalty Token coin name.
- Corrected description of the Guild buff effect Honorable Life level 3.
- Fixed Ellam powerstone pet. It's no longer targetable or killable.
- Worn Costume is added to the Honor Shop.
- Fixed chat font size setting description bug.
- Fixed marketplace Emotes tab.
- New story quest chapter quest "Message in the wind" disabled. Questline is added in the later game version.
- Fixed Fashion Icon collection achievements.
- Items from the guild shop can now be placed into the chests.
- Fixed some items drop rate from the Thieves' Cache Bag.
- Fixed Kraken spawns.
- Fixed Guilds Purchases History display bug when multiple items of the same type were purchased simultaneously.
- Final price with the guild discount will now be displayed in the Guilds Purchases History.
We apologize for the inconveniences!