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<USSR communist>


New Member
hey so im gonna make this quick, kay? im making a guild and i love communism. alright so im a huge fboi and i somehow got 15 girls to paly any game with me so hey we already 14 ppl with 13 healers right? ive been playing archeage for 7 years now on legocy, so ill take the guild out to Meina. not glenn f88 that boss.

so my type of leadership is rl simple. im going to yell at you 24/7 and make you feel like human garbage just like any REAL leader. im going to break down all ur insecurities and your virgin high school experiences. and as soon as youre a white sheet, ill make yall into resident gods. so brace yourselves.

as for raid classes, its easy just spam skullknight and heals and anthalong will do the rest for us. archers can be the useless class they are and just stand front line, make their end come quicker

im going to ally kiriton's guld too
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hey so im gonna make this quick, kay? im making a guild and i love communism. alright so im a huge fboi and i somehow got 15 girls to paly any game with me so hey we already 14 ppl with 13 healers right? ive been playing archeage for 7 years now on legocy, so ill take the guild out to Meina. not glenn f88 that boss.

so my type of leadership is rl simple. im going to yell at you 24/7 and make you feel like human garbage just like any REAL leader. im going to break down all ur insecurities and your virgin high school experiences. and as soon as youre a white sheet, ill make yall into resident gods. so brace yourselves.

as for raid classes, its easy just spam skullknight and heals and anthalong will do the rest for us. archers can be the useless class they are and just stand front line, make their end come quicker

im going to ally kiriton's guld too
At the moment Trump was elected, Communism Won! USA officially lose the cold war! Just saying, good luck!