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Veteren boxes?

You have to make things more enticing for folks to return. If you haven't seen that in the world with your cell phone company or the like then you need to go outside more. Thanks! It's free and I'll take it.
The only thing I can see that might be debatable is the login badges, as you can get a speedboat design with them or something, but if they haven't played I'm sure they don't have many to begin with and people that play every day should already have more. (with the exception of 1 if they left perfectly 30 days before this patch) other than that. People are just never happy, its generic items that someone that plays everyday should already have a bunch. Its free stuff :p People are never happy

How do we get Soulmule then?
I agree with @Aumdaydar On this, it makes more sense to reward the players who have been playing regularly with the better rewards.

I'm not saying give us better rewards vs people who are returning. What i'm saying is make it "fair". By no means am i saying that people who've donated and had real life family issues with lvl 55 character's being exempt from reaping the rewards for donating and returning. But make it fair for crying out loud.

It's not "fair" to me that someone who hasn't even donated a dime to the server get's a an extra log in badge just because "we want them to come back" - There's got to be a better way of recruiting new player's than pooping on the veterans who've been here and stuck around through it all. That's all i'm saying.
Instead of login badges I would think returning players should just get a token that can be turned in for login badges or for a costume of their choice along with enough stones to get it to heroic or something. I have a feeling a lot of returning players do not even have a costume and would benefit from that more than the 2 login badges.
How do we get Soulmule then?

She was quoting both of the Patron packages. As seen below, they are in both Packages.

As for non-donators, you've had plenty of chances to and to be eligible for the box it was a donation of any amount ($5+) and for months of free content every day (since you haven't quit) it's not bad. The returning package is to make people want to come back! Id rather have more players and higher server population than sit around on a donkey
My question is why is a returning patron getting 3 login badges and currently active players are only getting 1?

Eh - I guess it doesn't matter. The active member crate is pretty good. Someone mentioned something about speed boats with login badges... and that's the only reason it sucks.
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My question is why is a returning patron getting 3 login badges and currently active players are only getting 1?

Does it make more sense to you, to give more tokens to those who already have existing tokens from logging in, if this is built to be an incentive for returning players?
Here is where i will post this -

i feel like taking that soul mule out of the homecoming crate would fix a lot of this issue - especially since they haven't even donated to the server. Everything else i would be able to live with *Cringes at the login badges* but ya.. the soulmule would be about the only thing i would kick from this and maybe replace it with a carrot dash or carrot wings and give the soulmule to the veterans who actually stayed through all the hacking / banning / exploiting etc..
My question is why is a returning patron getting 3 login badges and currently active players are only getting 1?

Eh - I guess it doesn't matter. The active member crate is pretty good. Someone mentioned something about speed boats with login badges... and that's the only reason it sucks.

If they didn't play fam, they didn't collect login badges
I feel ya - but they're getting 3 months of login badges :) If that speed boat isn't a login badge item, then I dont care :)
I feel ya - but they're getting 3 months of login badges [bcolor=rgb(255, 255, 255)]:)[/bcolor] If that speed boat isn't a login badge item, then I dont care [bcolor=rgb(255, 255, 255)]:)[/bcolor]

Almost guaranteed to be a login badge either for 3 or 6 - i want to think the "other guys" had theirs in the login store for like 6 badges i think. So yeah, there's that.

The only one's getting 3 login badges that i'm aware of are the Donated Returning players - which is fair imo... cringe worthy still but fair.
Almost guaranteed to be a login badge either for 3 or 6 - i want to think the "other guys" had theirs in the login store for like 6 badges i think. So yeah, there's that.

The only one's getting 3 login badges that i'm aware of are the Donated Returning players - which is fair imo... cringe worthy still but fair.

Were still getting 1, so that gives them 2 more. If they came back to collect this months badge then they aren't a returning player, and they have to miss a month to be a returning player. So there isn't a chance of them getting any more than any player that's been playing to have more.

Only way its cringe worthy is if you just started playing last month, and not one of the people from the start
Does it make more sense to you, to give more tokens to those who already have existing tokens from logging in, if this is built to be an incentive for returning players?
To be honest, ArcheRage is calling it "Appreciation Gift Chest". They have made two for returning players specifically. So do you appreciate the returning people or the active people?

I dunno... at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as the speedboat isn't a login badge item.

If it is - I guess I'll get it when I meet the requirement.
To be honest, ArcheRage is calling it "Appreciation Gift Chest". They have made two for returning players specifically. So do you appreciate the returning people or the active people?

I dunno... at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as the speedboat isn't a login badge item.

If it is - I guess I'll get it when I meet the requirement.

To be honest, ArcheRage is calling it "Appreciation Gift Chest". They have made two for returning players specifically. So do you appreciate the returning people or the active people?

I dunno... at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as the speedboat isn't a login badge item.

If it is - I guess I'll get it when I meet the requirement.
Man you gotta start reading the context. There's both a regular and a returning for both free and/or donator players.
It doesn't matter though - Crates are made. I'm just voicing a little frustration with the potential speedboat and replying to ... replies. I'm just jelly that's all. A little salty. No big deal. I'll cope.
don't really have a problem with anything else you've said. Yes my beginning wasn't directed at you personally.. it was a generalized statement of things to come, a foreshadow if you will.. hehe

Anyways, onto the quote.. The Returning Donator's get a full kitted house - check it out ;)

*picks up mic*
So yeah, i see the point that you are getting at and i understand where you are coming from. I've thought of that as well, then something starts the nag at the back of mind. Sparkle wrote many times as well as the playerbase about things being "fair". Everything has to be "fair", at what point is someone who hasn't even donated a single dime to this server getting more rewards for not even playing the game than someone who's been loyal since release and donated just as much. Where is all the "fairness" now? Lost in translation i believe.

As far as the veterans having all the stuff equivelant to the stuff we can get in the boxes, Carrot Wings is the only equivalent donkey to the soulmule and the soulmule dominates in forms of usefulness. So i apologize there, i don't see your argument holding water.

Yes, you're correct about these boxes being "1000x better than the other guys" .. it just makes me scratch my head when i see the incentives of bringing player's back to be higher than keeping the players you have.
A niche ability does not make it dominate. Also bringing people back IS incentive for players to stay. Server health is a big priority to get new players as well as keep current players. Aside from that you are inferring that the fairness of these boxes would cause someone to quit the game - that's redonkeyless.

Fairness can only be so fair until you might as well be playing a single player game with no incentive to work hard for anything other than the achievements. I think in context "fair" was being used as fair opportunity, so maybe instead of complaining about something, try offering a counter balance? I.E. ask them for something to be put in the game to purchase the soulmule if it's really that op (which again I don't think it is). The derpy donkey is also has an underrated 'niche' flying ability which comes in handy getting up on to docs or across gaps for classes that don't have teleport/backdrop/etc etc etc. I've made my point though and at this time I'm sure we will just keep reiterating what we've already said with some differences.

my point is this...
Instead of bitching - offer suggestions
Instead of worrying about what Sally your neighbor is getting for Christmas - be stoked you just got free shit for essentially enjoying a game that someone else has offered their time and energy into providing.
A niche ability does not make it dominate. Also bringing people back IS incentive for players to stay. Server health is a big priority to get new players as well as keep current players. Aside from that you are inferring that the fairness of these boxes would cause someone to quit the game - that's redonkeyless.

Fairness can only be so fair until you might as well be playing a single player game with no incentive to work hard for anything other than the achievements. I think in context "fair" was being used as fair opportunity, so maybe instead of complaining about something, try offering a counter balance? I.E. ask them for something to be put in the game to purchase the soulmule if it's really that op (which again I don't think it is). The derpy donkey is also has an underrated 'niche' flying ability which comes in handy getting up on to docs or across gaps for classes that don't have teleport/backdrop/etc etc etc. I've made my point though and at this time I'm sure we will just keep reiterating what we've already said with some differences.

my point is this...
Instead of bitching - offer suggestions
Instead of worrying about what Sally your neighbor is getting for Christmas - be stoked you just got free shit for essentially enjoying a game that someone else has offered their time and energy into providing.

Scroll up 9 posts and read what i wrote... feel free to edit your post if you like if you dont want to that's fine to. Thanks for the "constructive" feedback though.

The donkey is arguably the best one in the game.. fyi
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