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Veteren boxes?

Its not about winning, or even getting an advantage. Its about the long ass slow grind this game is.
The quitters are getting rewarded with currency items that the loyal players had to slowly grind for. We had to be dedicated to events, dedicated to the server, dedicated to a gd schedule to get these currencies.

150 merit badges!?
150 warrior medals?!
3 login badges?!
5000 extra labor?!

You are giving them to the quitters. Why not give them to everybody?

I would think because people dont want to come back unless they havea "clear" advantage over someone else.
Today, I have gone from lvl50 to lvl55 without receiving a single reward chest, none, 0 ......... it does not make sense ..... helps for those who return and remove aid for those who climb the last 5 levels......
Great Mystery
What lol ? There is a reason its called a donation. Why would they need to launder a donation, let alone bitcoin :p You are donating and getting credits in return, not buying them. Also anyone that uses a PC should be able to donate using their donation system, they have a guide as well as it being completely universal


u just dont get it do u? this is just simply blocked by some countries for the reasons i stated above....
universal?? please... get ur facts straight....
Today, I have gone from lvl50 to lvl55 without receiving a single reward chest, none, 0 ......... it does not make sense ..... helps for those who return and remove aid for those who climb the last 5 levels......
Great Mystery

Please submit a Ticket and confirm there your ING that didn't receive a chest and the chest that you were expecting to receive.
Gift button will be enabled later today. We'll make sure inform players on the Forum and by e-mail in game as soon as it's in place.
Gift Boxes are now available. Check your Account Panel and request your gift there!
Nice boxes with useless gear, Better gives Soulforged next time..

@edit: if the proposal was to bring players back, it was a huge failure.
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@Sparkle I checked my account panel and under the gift tab it says my account doesn't qualify for a gift, I've been playing every day for a few months now lol. Is it because I complained? hahah
@Sparkle I checked my account panel and under the gift tab it says my account doesn't qualify for a gift, I've been playing every day for a few months now lol. Is it because I complained? hahah

Try to relogin your acount panel. If still same issue, post a Ticket and we'll make sure to check your account and send a Gift Box if the one is not delivered to you yet.