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Server is offline. Say good-bye to ArcheRage 3.0! We are waiting for you tomorrow to join ArcheRage 3.5!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" MLK.
Sparkle, please help. I can't log in to game. I was changing toons when I got black screen, so I closed via control/alt/delete.
Your character must have stuck in game. You need to close the game and restart in approx 5-10 minutes.
If you still have this issue and you use no ping, turn it off and try to login then. Looks like this ping reducer changed their settings and due to it players can't connect using their old channels.
i want to know if with 3.5 are they going to add in the 2x regrade chance to greater weapon regrades on dungeon weapons for aria scroll
hello there, I have trouble download game push confirm don't do anything
Hey there, how are you downloading it I had troubles with normal and had to use the torrent.