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[Forum Event] Be My Valentine my fav 3 I hope win 1. Silverfoxxx 2.Ursa 3. Choi
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Reactions: Alinoca
Ownt! Thank you for caring. Good luck to you too! <3
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Reactions: Nixkie
Lovely [Forum Event] Be My Valentine card hope it wins
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Reactions: Alinoca
Ownt! Thank you for caring. Good luck to you too! <3
Had too say I like the chibi characters in the [Forum Event] Be My Valentine post.
Hey bro, let me know if any of you would want to buy a turn key healer.
@Sparkle Currently AH is down, player trading down, and labor activities down (without relog). Been like this for almost an hour :(
I would like to say for new event on forums for maps offer a bonus to first poster but a lot of ppl cant get on right away and are sleeping.
Server is online. Login. Not all zones are still up though, so don't worry. They all will be up within approx 10 minutes.
Hi, im been asking questions about low level quests and so far i got a little vague answer.
Can you help me please?