News & Announcements
[Gifts Exchange Event] Secret Santa
ArcheRagers, Our favorite Gifts Exchange Event is back! Join this tradition of gifts exchange and spread the Christmas mood all over our little ArcheRage world Register in this thread to participate in exchanging gifts and you will be randomly assigned a player to whom you are sending a gift.
[Forum Event] Drive and Listen (offer your Musi...
Do you want to see a new Music Disc in game? Now it's time to choose the next Playlist that you'd love to listen to in game in your vehicle while driving through AR lands.
Server updates 12/3: Zodiac Festival start, etc!
Dear ArcheRagers! Please take a minute to check changes and updates we prepared for you.
[Game Event Results] Results Relentless Dragons...
Relentless Dragons Hunt! Thanks to all who came to our new starting event.
[Forum Event] ArcheRage Geo-guesser, 26th Novem...
? 6th ArcheRage Geo-guesser Event Starting Today!