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Add a Players Indicator on the website

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Active Member
This is something i have been advocating for since before the release of the na server, it would be nice to have the amount of online players displayed on the website or forums, virtually every private servers for every games do that.
This is something i have been advocating for since before the release of the na server, it would be nice to have the amount of online players displayed on the website or forums, virtually every private servers for every games do that.

We do not publically state numbers, so no, a player number tracker will not be added
I know a lot of games like to hide how many players they have, I guess it's because they don't like people to see if a game's population is falling (which is fair enough). But this is actually a fantastic idea!

For people doing overseas trade runs and fishing, they could see when the safest times of the day are (when there aren't many people online). For farmers (like me) they could see when the best times to list their produce are. For people who want to PvP (or those who wish to avoid it) they could tell when is the best time to go to the PvP zones.

There are a lot of benefits to this.
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