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Archeage Ending


New Member
I started playing Archeage in 2014, it was exactly the type of game I was looking for for exploration and crafting. In 2017 I discovered Archerage, at the time there was only a Russian server, then I migrated to the American one with its launch. Archeage/rage is the only MMO that I've played for years without getting bored, even though lately I'm not as active, I access it every now and then to distract myself.
Today I received an email from kakao informing the closure of the official server. As much as I didn't actively play, it's sad to see a game that marked your life being closed.
I believe and hope that Archerage will remain and that now is the time to grow and welcome the players who will be "orphaned". The game is incredible and has always offered the complete experience that in the official game was limited to Patron.

To the administrators, I wish you the best and hope that the server never ends, at least not anytime soon!
