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ArcheRage 9.0 (development-release info + suggestions)

Oh yays, even MORE nerfs to healers, lets goooooooo, seriously? Why cant you guys tweak skills at all? -3 to -8? thats stupidity, and renewel is literally being cut in half duration wise. Such bs being a healer..
1. About skill changes I wont give a opinion cause I know we dont change those, but I hope one day we do;
2. Dahuta change is just bad for everyone, lets just keep like it is;
3. Destructive Grudge change is fine, there is no one using besides free farmers, for the price jolas scales are going, is not even worth it;
4. Is this patch the one that converts kyrios badge to honor/remove kyrios badge instruments from the shop? If it is, let us know plsss;
5. Let us swap weapons and gliders while playing songcraft songs PLEASE, the game is a lot more clunky for songcraft users!!!
No. Our server will never have archepass
Archepass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daily Missions

This Daily missions are incredible boring, anoying and etc. On archepass we have weekly missions wich give us more time for fun and better rewards too. Pls, at least make some rework on Daily missions, turn then weekly or something. I beg you.
I did not experience ArchePass as having very different quests than the daily contracts.

Also they already reworked the rewards for the daily contracts so its possible to get this, which afaik is custom:


I, for one, appreciate the simple contracts to get this box, as it saves a lot of time, considering the fact there is so much to do in the game. I am sure that new players appreciate it too as it doesn't require a lot of skill or gear to craft packs or kill 10-30 mobs somewhere on the continent, but they can still get extra labor.
Sparkle, muitos jogadores estão esperando há anos por uma atualização de barco de pesca. Você pode aumentar a quantidade de peixes em cada barco para que a pesca se torne mais produtiva. Esta seria uma ótima maneira de aumentar o número de jogadores no mar.
Oh yays, even MORE nerfs to healers, lets goooooooo, seriously? Why cant you guys tweak skills at all? -3 to -8? thats stupidity, and renewel is literally being cut in half duration wise. Such bs being a healer..
Brother really talking like healers are so nerfed zzzzzzzzzz
To help new players who are just starting out in the game.

Would it be possible to increase the number of infusions in Garden of Gods?

We know that we cannot underestimate the effort of players who have been playing here since 2016, but we cannot turn a blind eye to the difference in equipment scores when playing PvP.

Increasing the infusion to help players reach level 5 in armor damage type or level 10 in weapons would make PvP more inviting for everyone.

However, we know that by increasing the number of quest infusions, older players would automatically do more infusions, which would become a never-ending rat race, after all, each armor or weapon has its growth limit. But one solution would be to create a type of infusion that carries a condition, just like the infusions in the explorer set. I'm trying to reach level 10 in the weapon and, by my calculations, I will only be able to do it in July 2025. I think there are many others like me. You know I love the server, I'm just passing on what users tell me on my YouTube channel.

Most of the complaints are about the time it takes for a new player to balance an old player, because the amount of infusions offered is extremely low for the amount each weapon and armor piece requires.

Thank you in advance for your time.
Re: Mermaid earring


What is the point of this? At present, you put the earring on, you get the buff. It's elegant and simple. I see no impetus for any change being required.

By implementing this change either we will get a new on screen executable skill that will mess up the order of our status sensitive skills (which is always a pain in the ass for various reasons), or it will be executable from skill tray, meaning we have to free up a precious slot for a rarely needed item in order to keep renewing it because of a completely unnecessary expiration timer.

Why go to the trouble of including a change that only makes an item more inconvenient to use?

If the earring currently worked how the patch change proposes to make it work, it would be an UPGRADE to make it so that the earring works automatically when equipped. That's normally the direction patch changes go, isn't it? This is backwards, for some reason the patch change wants to make this useful item less user friendly. It doesn't make any sense.

In my opinion you already got this one right, if it ain't broke - don't fix it.

Re: Dahuta bubble

I understand you see a need for balancing, and asking to negate the change rarely works in such circumstances, but perhaps if you feel a rebalance is absolutely necessary let's EITHER reduce the buff length OR have it expire on death. Both seems excessive. And if the cooldown really does persist even after buff has expired on death - that's just mean.
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I understand you see a need for balancing, and asking to negate the change rarely works in such circumstances,

It's not custom notes so this is just legacy's "need for balance". Considering it's already tough to find any sunken chests for the treasure hunt event and people die for it sometimes in Sea of Graves, it seems like an unnecessary change.

We've been advocating for water content buffing for years, so this nerf is the direct opposite of what we'd want.
Obligatory negative statement about Dahuta's Bubble and Mermaid's Breath change everyone agrees is bad.

As for other topics, schedule changes should be discussed, specifically these three topics.

Guardian Scramble is held every Friday and Saturday in the Great Prairie of the West at 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm server time (EST).
Removed Monday from Akasch Invasion schedule. (Sparkle: question: should we move Akasch Invasion or Guardian Scramble a bit on Saturday, as they are too close to each other? If yes, what are we moving that day?)
Anthalon spawn time changed to Mon/Fri/Sun 9:30 pm server time (EST).

Guardian Scramble is a progression event that requires more than a single spawn during its scheduled day for the sake of diverse time zones. As this is a direct competition between factions I don't believe several spawns should be added haphazardly, but the diverse community requires at least a second spawn. I would suggest 10:00 am - 11:00 am server time (EST) and 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm server time (EST), though I encourage the community directly impacted by any "non-NA" timers to discuss the topic of their Guardian Scramble timer in more depth than I can personally give it justice.

With the conflict arising from Saturday Akasch Invasion and Guardian Scramble, it seems like removing those Saturday spawns of Akasch Invasion while maintaining Monday is a simpler solution than having varying times of either event.

The shift to Anthalon spawn timer causes it to directly overlap with Charybdis spawn on Sunday and Akasch Invasion on Monday, (if it's decided to maintain Monday spawn), so I'd suggest to keep its current time of 9:00 pm server time (EST).
The Anthalon spawn on Friday is much harder to salvageable due to overlap with Siege and Guardian Scramble, rather than worrying about a time that works for Friday, I suggest shifting this Anthalon spawn to Saturday, 9:00 am server time (EST), (suggestion under the above assumption Saturday Akasch Invasion is removed). This would create additional weekend content for the community that currently experiences the Sunday morning Black Dragon and Kraken and fixes the issue of an essentially "dead" spawn that is currently scheduled during Siege and Guardian Scramble on Friday.

Clear transparency, as an NA player I made these "diversity" time suggestions without input from the affected time zones, since I am too anti-social to reach out to those communities, so opinions from anyone that'd benefit from events in those timeslots should be valued more so than what this post expresses. I simply wished to start this discussion if nothing else.
I don't see any need to remove any Akasch invasion times at all.

If they are just being moved to a more convenient time, or even varying times, that's one thing. Removing it would be pointless. If the problem is that not everyone can attend because they have other things to do at that time, then by taking it away you... haven't solved that problem, have you? All of those same people still can't attend it because it doesn't exist. But instead of only some people not being able to do that Invasion, now all people can't do it. That's the opposite of a solution to the problem.

It's *always* better, in my opinion, for any changes being made to move in the direction of *granting*, rather than *removing* choices. Anyone who doesn't want to prioritize that invasion can already choose not to go to it. But for those who don't mind missing the other content that overlaps, those low-competition Invasions are very useful. It allows us to gather spheres and compasses to tick off every remaining quest without obstruction, which is often necessary because... ugh.

Look, if you wanna talk about shit that needs fixing in Akasch, let's talk about the goddamn mages who can pick up the goddamn spheres almost instantly due to it (for some inexplicable reason) scaling with cast speed. I had a whole ass rant brewing about this but I realised it's probably better to just add it to the cursed suggestions thread and not waste people's time here. But yeah. This is annoying. It needs to be fixed. I'll save my whining for the other thread. XD
Please add an afternoon time (server time) for guardian scramble, at least for the weekday one, so EU people can get that event done after work. Not sure how many weekend workers we have but for those it would be nice to have the extra time slot then as well.

Proposed time: 4:30pm, same as Akasch invasion time slot.