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Collection breather


Active Member
Is this thing ever going to come back?

It is really super OP for boats and I personally would very much like one for my boat.
Don't even try farming sunkens for fragments, I have gathered over 500 chests got 2 of them.

One or two fragments pops every few days in auction house and it will take another year to get 300.
They might as well not be farmable for how rare they are. This was something I mentioned over a year ago, and the admin team shooed it away. It's a joke, and a bad one at that.
Yes the collection breather is OP. However, I disagree that it should be more easily obtainable. If it were, then everyone would have one or at least most everyone and this in turn causes another problem. Everyone will be out there trying to farm one and those who enjoy sunken treasure as a fun side content in the game would be competing in a heavily contested part of the game.