New Member
I actually looked back at a few winners in these competitions and the thing i feel it comes down to is effort, creativity and the admins personal liking of that entry.May I please ask what the criteria are for an entry to be chosen as a winner, and what makes an entry valued more than another? I think it would help me to understand what is being looked for so I can improve future entries.
Can there also be clarification on when exactly "last day" is? I don't understand how much time we have exactly to submit our entry so that it's not considered late. Is the deadline our own local time? Server time? etc?
my last competition entry i got third place. it was the least likely photo i thought that would be picked but it was of me and a friend fooling around in a creepy park i found in austera. just two people being goofy together and randomly posting it knowing it wouldn't be picked (or least i thought lol) i guess sentiment is a good cause for value in art. some humour can't hurt from time to time either. pretty adorable how that turned out. anyway,
before the winners and runners up were announced there was a discussion about AI art. A few points were made by sparkle that hand drawn art/ hand drawn digital art has more value over AI art.
and rightly so as it's fairly easy for someone to make AI art and try pass it off as their own, and it doesn't take as much effort. not to mention it takes the spotlight away from those who draw digital art by hand, i can only guess it's the same for fully digitally edited art too such as photoshop.
though even then, it may not always be the case as sometimes those other artforms will get their time in the spotlight. my point comes down to just do the best you can and never stop trying until you get that win, while also taking these factors mentioned here into consideration.
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