(January, 19th - February, 1st, 2021)
(April, 26th - May, 9th, 2022)
(November, 7th - November, 20th, 2023)
We are glad to announce the first ArcheRage Marathon.
It’s a marathon, so the most persistent will receive the best rewards!
For the details in Chinese follow the LINK.
Depending on their activity, players have a chance to complete 3 new achievements and receive the following titles:
1. Novice Marathoner (no stats)
2. Marathoner (no stats)
3. Marathon Champion (with stats)
Achievements can be found in General → Special Events.
All 3 titles will open the access to 3 new title icons.
Completing the daily marathon quests players will also receive special marathon coins – Silver Medals and Golden Medals.
To receive the marathon quests visit Mirage Isle. Quest NPC will wait for you in The Order of Nui Pavilion.
Those can be exchanged to various rewards in Mirage Isle Marathon Workbench.
List of rewards:
Gilda Star
Bound Tax Certificate
Golden Medal
Merit Badge
Loyalty Token
Pirate’s Token
Eternal Life Costume
Red Sun Costume
Pyromancer’s Costume
Feyleaf Costume
Bright Futures Costume
Blackbeard Betrayer
Brimstone Weapon Skin
Elven Forest Hut (16x16)
Elven Forest Hut (24x24)
Yellowlight Elven Forest Table
Orangelight Elven Forest Table
Model Rampage S200
Model Rampage B200
Model Rampage C200
Model Dark Wind
Grim Reaver
Superior Glow Lunarite
Starlight Archeum Essence
Book of Auroria
Serendipity Stone
Striped Platinum Supply Crate
What you need to know about the marathon:
- Event starts on 11/7/2023 after the server maintenance and will last for 14 days.
- Each days player can receive 7 quests.
- Event has 21 unique quest, separated into 3 sets of 7 quests: stage/level/point quests.
- For each next completed quest player receives more rewards.
- Quests must be obtained from the special custom NPCs: Albert, Ark and Molini.
- For the medals you receive as a reward for the completed quests (silver or golden), you can craft various items in Mirage Isle Marathon Workbench.
- Be active, complete the quests and receive new achievements that will provide you with new titles and title icons.
- And don’t forget, it’s a marathon, so the most persistent will receive the best rewards!
Good luck adventurers!
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