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[Game Event] Treasures Hunter Day!

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Treasures Hunter Day!

"Treasure hunts make much better stories when there’s treasure at the end!"
Dear ArcheRagers, we know how much you like to hunt Ancient Cargo Ships Treasures, Sunken Treasures and Treasure Maps. For all the lovers of treasures hunting we are adding our new custom event - Treasures Hunter Day!

For the details in Chinese follow the LINK.

On Wednesday a message informing about the event start appears in the game world. Also, in Austera, Marianople, Crowlgate Isle and Diamond Shores appears a Goblin, who is crazy about treasures.​

Don’t forget you have 24 hours only and midnight is your last chance. The event begins at midnight and lasts for 24 hours.

Goblin provides 5 quests (1 quest per level). As soon as you complete and turn in the quests you'll receive a reward. Player needs to raise Sunken Treasures, hunt Ancient Cargo Ships, raise them from the bottom and turn cargo from them to Relic Merchants and search for the treasures from Treasure Maps.
We recommend you to pick up all 5 quests at the same time as in that case progress will be counted towards each quest progress.

You'll need to gain a certain number of points, completing various tasks, at your choice.

To complete a quest you need to gain 120 points.
To raise a Sunken Treasure = 4 points
To turn in 1 pack from the Ancient Cargo Ship (there are 16 of such on 1 ship) = 2 points
Find a treasure from the Treasure Map = 5 points
Options for the quest to be completed:
You can raise 30 Sunken Treasures, gain 120 points and complete the quest.
2. You can turn in 60 Sunken ship packs (packs from the Ancient Cargo Ship) to Relic Merchant, gain 120 points and complete the quest.
3. You can find 24 treasures from the Treasure Maps, gain 120 points and complete the quest.
4. Or you can combine the activities, for example, raise 10 Sunken Treasures (40 points), turn in 20 sunken ships packs (40 opoints) and find 8 treasures from the Treasure Maps (40 points). In total you get 124 points that will help you to complete the quest.
You can turn in any combination, but just need to gain a certain number of points at the end.​


Level 1 (Gain 80 points. Sunken ship (Ancient Cargo Ship) pack = 10 points. Sunken Treasure = 10 points. Treasure Map (Arcane or Heroic only) = 20 points):
Guild XP 6
5x Maelstrom Coin
5x Ship Component Regrade Scroll

Level 2 (Gain 96 points. Sunken ship (Ancient Cargo Ship) pack = 6 points. Sunken Treasure = 10 points. Treasure Map (Arcane or Heroic only) = 12 points):
Guild XP 6
5x Ship Component Regrade Scroll
2x Gold Pufferfish
3x Merit Badge

Level 3 (Gain 120 points. Sunken ship (Ancient Cargo Ship) pack = 5 points. Sunken Treasure = 10 points. Treasure Map (Arcane or Heroic only) = 9 points):
Guild XP 6
3x Gold Pufferfish
2x Magic Rampage Orb chest (drops 1 item at a time: Rampage C200 (rare chance), Anchoring Emblems, Synthium Shards, Regrade Scrolls, etc.)

Level 4 (Gain 128 points. Sunken ship (Ancient Cargo Ship) pack = 4 points. Sunken Treasure = 9 points. Treasure Map (Arcane or Heroic only) = 7 points):
Guild XP 6
5x Weapon Regrade Scroll
3x Merit Badge
5x Accessory Regrade Scroll

Level 5 (Gain 144 points. Sunken ship (Ancient Cargo Ship) pack = 3 points. Sunken Treasure = 9 points. Treasure Map (Arcane or Heroic only) = 6 points):
Guild XP 6
3x Magic Rampage Orb chest (drops 1 item at a time: Rampage C200 (rare chance), Anchoring Emblems, Synthium Shards, Regrade Scrolls, etc.)
2x Serendipity Stone Shard
5x Armor Regrade Scroll
5x Weapon Regrade Scroll
5x Gold Pufferfish
Speedboat Engineer's Design Bag_icon.png
1x Speedboat Engineer's Design Bag​

* Reward for each level can be received only once during the same event day!
So, if you gain 144 points you'll receive 1 reward for each level: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th.
But if you gain, for example, 105 points you'll receive reward for lvl 1 and lvl 2.
** There are time counters in the quests, they will be displayed correctly only if you accepted the quest right at midnight. These counters are designed to prevent the current quest from continuing on the next Treasures Hunter Day.

IMPORTANT! The schedule and rules of the event can be changed, as well as the rewards for it.
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Rewards updated. Now you can receive Merit Badges from the event.
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