To access Guild Functions, the guild leader will need to complete a number of quests. All quests need to be completed only once.
Some quests will require a help of his guildmates (not less than 7 players in total), some will check the guild leader’s fortitude and ingenuity.
Guild Quests
(questline for Guild Functions activation)
To start Guild Formation questline, the guild leader will need to visit any friendly Guild Manager.
Questline can be started by a guild leader only!
Quests list:
Quest 1 - “Legend of the Founders”
Quest 2 - “Heavy Cargo”
Quest 3 - “Phantomologist”
Quest 4 - “Test Pilots”
Quest 5 - “Sea Battle”
Quest 6 - “Bewitched Love”
Quest 7 - “Leader’s Test”
As soon as questline is completed, guild leader will receive an item - “First” Guild Memorandum.
Use this item to activate your guild’s “Guild Functions”:
- guild bank (enabled);
- improved guild buffs (enabled);
- improved guild shop (will be enabled soon); etc.
Now your Guild Functions are activated. To see them visit Guild menu → Guild Functions.
Once Guild Functions are activated, new permissions become available for the guild leader in Permissions Menu.
Guild Bank
Guild Bank allows to deposit and fetch items and gold as well as just review the guild bank contents. It can be accessed from any Warehouse Manager.
Only guild members with the permissions can do it! Permissions are set by the guild leader!
To activate your Guild Bank visit Guild menu → Guild Functions → Guild Bank.
Access to this option is available to guild leader and other guild members with a permission “Manage Guild Functions.
Guild leader and members with this permission can purchase Sealed Guild Certificates for guild XP (in guild functions window) or for Prestige ("Manage Prestige" permission must be activated) in the Improved Guild Shop (scroll down to "Improved Guild Shop" for details), improve them to Guild Certificates [Bank] with a help of Guild Certificate Workbench (or just purchase Guild Certificates [Bank] from other players) and increase the size of guild bank (number of slots and gold limit).
Guild Certificate Workbench can be found in Austera, Marianople, Growlgate Isle and Diamond Shores.
Prior purchasing Guild Certificates and activating Guild Bank, decide what size of the guild bank your guild is interested in.
The max number of cells in the bank is 8.
The certificate level is equal to the number of cells that will be available for your guild after activation.
Guild Certificate (Level 1): [Bank] - Cell 1 - Guild Bank 150 slots and 100 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 2): [Bank] - Cell 1-2 - Guild Bank 300 slots and 400 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 3): [Bank] - Cell 1-3 - Guild Bank 450 slots and 900 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 4): [Bank] - Cell 1-4 - Guild Bank 600 slots and 1 600 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 5): [Bank] - Cell 1-5 - Guild Bank 750 slots and 2 500 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 6): [Bank] - Cell 1-6 - Guild Bank 900 slots and 3 600 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 7): [Bank] - Cell 1-7 - Guild Bank 1050 slots and 4 900 000 Gold limits.
Guild Certificate (Level 8): [Bank] - Cell 1-8 - Guild Bank 1200 slots and 6 400 000 Gold limits.
Important! Guild can craft certificates not higher than its Guild Level, but Certificates of the higher level can be purchased from other guilds.
If Guild Bank is not prolonged for the next week, it’s temporary deactivated. Items and gold stored there will NOT disappear (there is no expiration date for them)!
As soon as the guild bank is activated again, you can access already stored items and gold, fetch them or deposit new!
Improved Guild Buffs
Improved Guild Buff is an addition (not a replacement) to already existing Guild Buffs!
To access Improved Guild Buffs, you need to visit Guild menu → Guild Functions → Improved Guild Buffs.
Improved Guild Buffs can be activated only by a Guild Leader or other guild members with a permission “Manage Guild Functions”.
Members with this permission can purchase Sealed Guild Certificate for guild XP (in guild functions window) or for Prestige ("Manage Prestige" permission must be activated) in the Improved Guild Shop (scroll down to "Improved Guild Shop" for details), improve them to Guild Certificates [Buff] with a help of Guild Certificate Workbench (or just purchase Guild Certificates [Buff] from other players) and choose the Reinforcement level they want.
Improved Guild Buffs are available for guilds lvl 1 – lvl 8. The higher the guild’s level is – the better certificates it can craft.
Sealed Certificates and Certificates can be used by the guild or sold to another guild. Guild can’t craft Certificates higher than its current level but can use such certificates crafted by other guilds.
Example: guild with level 5 can craft certificates of level 1-5; but it can also purchase higher grade certificates of level 6-8 from other guilds to receive the access to better buffs.
Improved Guild Buff doesn’t take additional buff slot! Once activated, you will see the improved buff details in your Active Buff Effects details.
Guild Buff example after Improved Guild Buff of level 6 is activated:
Starting from 03/19/2024 Custom improved guild buff becomes optional.
Players can choose one of the following options:
- Default (old buff option)
- Defender
- Healer
- Warrior
- Ranger
- Magician
To change your Improved Guild Buff visit Guild Manager NPC.
Guild should have Improved Guild Buff guild function activated, so guild members could change their buffs.
You are not limited in the number of times you can switch between guild buff options, but each change costs gold.
Check this table for the details on new options added:
Improved Guild Shop
Here you will find all items from Prestige shop but with discount (depending on your improved shop level),
as well as many other items, not available in the basic Prestige Shop.
Discount is displayed only in the final amount (“Price” line).
To access Improved Guild Shop, you need to visit Guild menu → Guild Functions → Improved Guild Shop.
Improved Guild Shop can be activated only by a Guild Leader or other guild members with a permission “Manage Guild Functions”.
Members with this permission can purchase Sealed Guild Certificate for guild XP (in guild functions window) or for Prestige ("Manage Prestige" permission must be activated) in the Improved Guild Shop, improve them to Guild Certificates [Shop] with a help of Guild Certificate Workbench (or just purchase Guild Certificates [Shop] from other players) and choose the Improved prestige shop level they want.
Improved Guild Shop are available for guilds lvl 1 – lvl 8. The higher the guild’s level is – the better certificates it can craft.
Sealed Certificates and Certificates can be used by the guild or sold to another guild. Guild can’t craft Certificates higher than its current level but can use such certificates crafted by other guilds.
Example: guild with level 5 can craft certificates of level 1-5; but it can also purchase higher grade certificates of level 6-8 from other guilds to receive the access to better prestige shop.
Example of the items available in Improved Guild Shop:
Update (10/6/2020):
- Sealed Guild Certificates are added to the Improved Guild Shop. Certificate level guild can buy there can't be higher than the guild level.
- Sealed Guild Certificates price in the Improved Guild Shop is the following (without discount): Sealed Guild Certificate (lvl 1) - 45 prestige;
lvl 2 - 90 prestige; lvl 3 - 135 prestige; lvl 4 - 180 prestige; lvl 5 - 225 prestige; lvl 6 - 270 prestige; lvl 7 - 315 prestige; lvl 8 - 360 prestige.
Additional Guild Quests
Additional Guild Quests can be received from the Guild Manager.
To access Additional Guild Quests, you need to visit Guild menu → Guild Functions → Additional Guild Quests.
Additional Guild Quests can be activated by a Guild Leader or other guild members with a permission “Manage Guild Functions”.
Members with this permission can purchase Sealed Guild Certificate for guild XP (in guild functions window) or for Prestige ("Manage Prestige" permission must be activated) in the Improved Guild Shop (scroll up to "Improved Guild Shop" for details), improve them to Guild Certificates [Quests] with a help of Guild Certificate Workbench (or just purchase Guild Certificates [Quests] from other players) and choose the level they want.
Additional Guild Quests are available for guilds lvl 1 – lvl 8. The higher the guild’s level is – the better certificates it can craft.
Sealed Certificates and Certificates can be used by the guild or sold to another guild. Guild can’t craft Certificates higher than its current level but can use such certificates crafted by other guilds.
The max total of the quests is 8.
Quests can be picked up from the Guild Manager after activating the guild function.
Each level provides you with 1 additional daily quest.
Level 1: “Thieves”
Level 2: “Demons Invasion”
Level 3: “Anthalon's Crimson Army”
Level 4: “Anthalon's Forces”
Level 5: “Whalesong Recruit”
Level 6: “Ancient Titan” *
* Quest rewards changed from "Bound Lesser Lucky Elixir" (30%) to "Bound Lucky Elixir" (60%).
Level 7: “Infinity battle”
Important! In order for Golden Plains Battle kills to count towards your quest progress, make sure you previously receive "Battle for the Golden Plains" from the Recruiter (next to the portal) and then turn in the quest to Guard Captain in Halcyona. Player Nation or Pirates Nation members will receive a reward only if they register at the Pirates & Nations Recruiter near the base of one of the conflict parties.
Level 8: “Sea of Drowned Love” *
* Quest reward changed from "Mysterious Hiram Infusion" x6 to "Improved Infusion Supply Kit" x8.
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