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login tracker

Just logged in, didn't receive any of the items from the login tracker but one of my friends did.
Tracker has the day one and two completed and I didn't receive them when it was bugged and can't claim them now RIP 5 secret gifts and 10 medals
Login tracker gives rewards just 25 times per month (25 times = 25 days)
The most valuable items are for 7th, 14th and 21st day.
Apologies, but there won't be any compensations for 1/2 November.
Login tracker gives rewards just 25 times per month (25 times = 25 days)
The most valuable items are for 7th, 14th and 21st day.
Apologies, but there won't be any compensations for 1/2 November.

So because of a bug that had nothing to do with us, even though we were active and physically signed in ... We don't get the rewards we are rightfully owed ? Not really a good thing is it.
Im pretty displeased with them not handing out the login rewards, as an EU player i can only attended one halyc so i needed those warrior medals.

Just feels like a kick in the teeth tbh, it's almost like a FU to the players. It's not our fault the tracker was bugged, i was there and i clicked on claim.
Im pretty displeased with them not handing out the login rewards, as an EU player i can only attended one halyc so i needed those warrior medals.

Just feels like a kick in the teeth tbh, it's almost like a FU to the players. It's not our fault the tracker was bugged, i was there and i clicked on claim.
U are joking right? lol
It's sounds like Trino. :|

So because of a bug that had nothing to do with us, even though we were active and physically signed in ... We don't get the rewards we are rightfully owed ? Not really a good thing is it.

Entitled Crybabies called, they want their signature move back.
Same way to solve the problems that the trion applied, honestly I will no longer play another AA player with the same support as the trion. cya.

NVM I didnt read full thread. I for one am not bothered about a potion that gives me exp I no longer need (and PvP buffs sure but whatever) and 10 warrior medals... those are replacable and honestly will not effect my daily life in ArcheAge (except that I still use Mirage GC so the second part would have been nice all the same xD)
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We have approx 30 days in each month. You are getting rewards only for 25 days from them. So, anyway, there will still be 5 days a month you are not getting any rewards. That means not getting rewards for 2 days only will not change anything for you. You can still get all the monthly rewards!
@Sparkle I believe that there is a bit of misunderstanding here. While login tracker was bugged people were still able to track the login by clicking on the button, so when login tracker UI was fixed, the first 2 days were already tracked but no associated daily rewards received.
People dont want compensation but rather those 2 items.
My friend clicked on the second day only after the update and received his compensation normally, what is lacking is good being of doing something fair for all. Who already works with database knows how simple it would be to verify if players tried to take the reward and failed and thus to remove from the list of caught the reward of the day 2 that is important for who looks for gear.

Ya, the problem people are having is not that there are days without reward, but that the login tracker tracks 2 of our 25 days as complete but we do not have the rewards from it. Which means we will get rewards 3-25 but not reward 1 and 2 of this months login tracker PLUS the as many as 5 days we do not get rewards anyway.

I'm still like whatever, lets move on, but should still hopefully clear up what is actually happening.

Looks like indeed we misunderstood you. If you pressed the button to receive your daily reward in login tracker at the moment it was glitching and it added you a day however didn't give a reward this will definitely be compensated.
I will need from you a screenshot of your login tracker where can be clearly seen that first few days were marked as used and will also need your character name.
Logs will be checked and reward will be provided.