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Lullaby pajama slippers glitched


There's something wrong with the lullaby pajama slippers on Harani female. You can see through them and it looks like shit. Can we get a fix? @Sparkle @IronLady

So wait, you want admins ,to drop solving reports ,game issues, and new content, and fix your slippers ?

Sorry i had to do it :)

It might not be as big a problem, if solution is quick they might look at it.
Tbh I wanted to see if anyone else had the problem too. But nah whenever they got the time. All the other things you listed are deff more important.
Guys, unfortunately, there's a big chance this bug will stay. The issue is in the game graphics engine.
We'll save the issue in ToDo list, so maybe in future, once we have proper instruments, we'll be able to fix it.