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State of the Server

I could be totally wrong, but the server isn't as dead as people say it is. Just because a lot of people quit after the inital "craze" for archeage, we still have a large steady flow of players playing. We also will see a big influx from 3.0 (hopefully) If what people are refering to as "dead" are factions, then yeah east is kinda dead.
The population is fine right now but yes after the initial hype the server population did go down as with every game. Now its just keep the new players and current population interested in the game. With land being all gone and being sold for at-least 1k and RNG still the same as we can see with the RMT problem and credits being at a all time high it might be difficult keeping the current population.
The population is fine right now but yes after the initial hype the server population did go down as with every game. Now its just keep the new players and current population interested in the game. With land being all gone and being sold for at-least 1k and RNG still the same as we can see with the RMT problem and credits being at a all time high it might be difficult keeping the current population.

Very true. Several issues but all being connected.
admins need to do something about the scammers that use macro to change trade, there should be a fast track support so scammers get banned quickly before they scam others and the victims should get there gold/item back.


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admins need to do something about the scammers that use macro to change trade, there should be a fast track support so scammers get banned quickly before they scam others and the victims should get there gold/item back.
its not up to the admins to pay attention on ppls trades. and its not like they are breaking the game by fooling some slow ppl.
double, triple check when u are trading a random. admins have nothing to do with ppl being dumb
its not up to the admins to pay attention on ppls trades. and its not like they are breaking the game by fooling some slow ppl.
double, triple check when u are trading a random. admins have nothing to do with ppl being dumb
macro allows you to change the item in milliseconds, new players don't know that.
General population of the server is still pretty high, but the end game pvp scene is hit or miss. Kraken is the only boss that's contested every time now, with it going to the same guild. People occasionally attempt Red Dragon, but it doesn't go well often. Other things like Anthalon, Meina/Glenn rarely get contested, due to people not caring, or there not being incentive to contest it. They mostly go to random guilds. It would be nice if there was other things to do end game content wise. Sundays, Mondays, and Fridays are pretty boring due to there being no big content that is worth killing at the moment.
This game is suppose to be a big open world sandbox but it seems anything worth something is tied to events so it becomes an event game were people log in do events and log off. The earlier versions of this game really was its pinnacle, its just all down hill from here. Someone needs to make like a 1.2 ver server for this game and keep it at that were the sandbox was truly there.
I think taking a 2nd look at server created content like the Hasla event should be looked at. On paper, it seems pretty interesting, and lucrative. I just think for the value of what you're actually getting, noone cares enough to come out considering how long it takes to actually grind those stones.

In my honest opinion it could be worth while if you make the mobs that drop the tokens static like the abandoned drill camp mobs.
This way you have player that can play catch up and others can grind out extra money with the luckys.

Bring back housing pvp. I don't care about anyone's counterpoint to this topic. The live servers were at their absolute best, along with their best populations when housing pvp was a thing. It gives smaller guilds a place to exist and not be bored or intimidated by large scale world content in the game.
The server pop is fine. The competitive spirit on the other hand is horrendous.

There shouldn't be so much focus on world events to try to promote pvp, just look into how things were in ~1.0 patches when people had the ability to create their own content with housing pvp, fish raids(when the money for fishing was actually worth a damn), fighting in Rookborne over yetis for the growling yawl scraps.
Still a big problem conserning land, players should have a set limit to how much land they can own, will free up alot of space for new players to settle in and rules should be set about the scamming otherwise it will get out of hand, players will be scared to buy land from other players, because there is a high chance you will get sacmmed!
I never understood the whole Gear gap problem, all they would have to do is change the hasla weapon stats when Ayanad/ehrenor weapons came out..... It's so simple and such a basic fix its not even funny.

2nd If they created mobs or made X mob drop armor tokens equivelent of hasla for leather,plate and cloth and adjusted the values with new armors being released they would have been fine as gear gap for starting players would NEVER be an issue.

The staff has proven they can create and modify a rift, this should be done for hasla equivalent armor somewhere on nuia, i'd say maybe Karakasse or hellswamp, if it's put in hellswamp it would give the ability to push it to peace more often from fights which will help with packs now and when 3.0 maps get released.

The game has a solid gear mechanic in place Trion and XL are to dumb to understand they should have modified the dungeon gear and hasla weapon stats as the game progressed.

Dungeons starting at GHA should have had the gear/weapons stats adjusted when t7/ayanad came out, Serpentis gear should have been set to at least a T4 equivalent stats

hasla weapons should be at t2 obsidian level

Considering how long it takes to get dungeon gear and the entry limits, dungeon gear and quest gear like hasla should be more worth while. T1-t3 obsidian is so easy to get in this game its not funny but it allows you not to spend gold and hunt/farm for it instead.

Raising Hasla weapon stats to match t3 obsidian gives players something to farm for, keeps them busy and your not giving handouts like legacy tickets. They still have to work for the gear but its by farming mobs which is far easier for new players but maintains balance

Boss gear from the kraken, dragon and leviathan should be at or near the top stat'd gear in the game and the boss's stats should be adjusted as new gear tiers released for more difficulty.
In my opinion gold buyers need to be banned and or have the gold/items taken from them, gold buying gives a massive boost to gear score a increase, it's far cheaper then say Apex buying but gives the same amount of gold. It allows people to get top end gear within a few days/week.

Scammers need to be stopped and banned for doing it, yes its part of any game but it's hindering server progression and scaring new players away.

There needs to be a limit on housing and farms per account, with labor being 4x its nothing for someone to pay taxes on 15 pieces of land they don't need.
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3.0 will bring alot of new players while also bringing back some of the old players. If the dev team pushes the patch with abyssal skills and TWT, not only there will be more late game content as there will be more players willing to fight for them.
Me and my two friends quitted 3 weeks ago after two weeks, due to land shortage and the overpriced credits, i still keep an eye here in the forums for new donation providers or land owning modifications, so we can come back when things are less oppessive for newcomers
3.0 itself is already a good patch for new players since it brings alot of lands and ways to catch up in gear, altho is sad to know we wont be getting the complete 3.x patch :(
We need 3.0, gem changes, fixed donations, and a strong plan to bring in new players.

Pretty much this, these are all things that will entice new players. LUCKIES NEED TO BE PUT INTO THE ECONOMY

There is absolutely NO reason a divine piece should be costing 10k for 1 piece especially at this point in the server, it is extremely concerning
3.0 itself is already a good patch for new players since it brings alot of lands and ways to catch up in gear, altho is sad to know we wont be getting the complete 3.x patch :(

There is always 300 aways to bypass the incrase in tax´s and it wont stop players that are not playing from holding land .
And the only " Cath up in gear " is the Aria weapon the rest is pretty much the same.