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Elite Trader Event / Riches From The Depths Information From PTS
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Greetings PTS players and interested parties. Here is the information for the new upcoming event Riches From The Depths arriving June 28th 2016 on live servers.
Riches From The Depths includes two event in game dynamics. The first one is a daily acquired mission called "Elite Trader", the second is a treasure hunting mechanic found in the Castaway Straights.
Elite Trader
To start the Elite Trader Quest, click on the divine clock bouncing box in the lower left hand corner of your game. This quest is ONLY available once per account per day. So only take the quest with the character in which you wish to complete it on.
To complete the quest you simply need to spend 1000 labor in commerce proficiency. This can be for making or turning in packs, or any other activity that uses commerce proficiency. Like selling items on the auction house, or summoning your housing vendor from the elite merchant cushion.
The quest is not "daily" locked you can stock pile your quest starters and complete them back to back. Which means you can do 1000 labor, then immediately activate another quest if you have one. This maybe a good tip if you plan on building up labor or saving packs to turn in when trade rates are more in favor. Important note, you can waste your quest starters by activating them before completing one that is currently active. Also note that there appears to be a bug, in which if you have a quest starter in your bag whilst completing another active Elite Trader quest it will actually eat one of your quest starters (see video below).
Elite Trader Rewards & Cost
- 2 X Bound 500 Worker Comps 1 Ticket
- 1 Starlight Archeum Essence 1 Ticket
- 1 Moonlight Archeum Essence 1 Ticket
- 1 Sunlight Archeum Essence 1 Ticket
- 1 x Bound Mining Drill 3 Tickets
- 1 x Bound Majestic Tree 3 Tickets
- 1 x Not Bound Lucky Starpoint 7 Tickets
- 1 x Not Bound Lucky Moonpoint 7 Tickets
- 1 x Not Bound Lucky Sunpoint 7 Tickets
- 1 x Bound Mini Farm Cart Housing Décor 7 Tickets
Here is a video showing my take on the Elite Trader Mission. If you only want to see the Mini Farm Cart you may just watch the first 1 min 30 secs. If you want to hear all my advice and findings including a bug I found, the video is about 10mins long.
Treasure Hunting
The treasure hunting portion of this event is done in the ocean at Castaway Straights. New random treasure chest will spawn on the ocean floor. They are tons of them down there, on PTS a guild member and I was able to fill up a full merchant running just from Villanelle directly to Solis to turn them in.
The cost of picking up a treasure chest is 100 labor (Exploration), the cost to turn is 70 labor commerce(like any trade pack) only turn in points are Ocean Traders (Freedrich, Solis, Two Crowns, Growl, Diamond Shores). You should note these are trade packs so as soon as you gather the chest you'll have a pack on your back.
The value of the packs are common 50g, uncommon 300g, ultra don't ever count on finding one rare 1000g. I did about 30 packs on PTS everyone of which was the common 50g pack.
The chest work just like the last daru treasure event, they have a very noticeable beacon of light shining up from them that is visible from a good distance. The packs on PTS are quit literally everywhere in Castaway Straights, if you're aren't seeing them on live, chances are somebody beat you to